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Transnational European Studies
Items per page
Book Discussion with Michael Thurmond, "James Oglethorpe, Father of Georgia"
February 13 | 6
UGA Special Collections Libraries, 300 South Hull Street
History guest lecture (Science & Tech)
February 13 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
History guest lecture (Science & Tech)
February 11 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
Franklin College of A & S Divisional Faculty Meeting
February 11 | 11:30am
Tate Theatre, Tate Center
History Film Series: Sankofa (1993, dir. Haile Gerima), with Robert Pratt
February 10 | 6
101 LeConte Hall
History/Museum Studies guest lecture
February 10 | 12:40
221 LeConte Hall
Athens Film Festival Presents: The Athens Film Project
February 7 | 7
Morton Theatre 195 West Washington Street Athens, GA, 30601
History Faculty Meeting
February 6 | 12:45
Via Zoom
Andre Barnes: "Humanitarian Dilemmas in Immigration Policies"
February 5 | 12:30
221 LeConte Hall
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society & History Club: History Trivia Night!
January 29 | 7
101 LeConte Hall
History guest lecture
January 23 | All day
101 LeConte Hall
History guest lecture
January 21 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day- no classes
January 20 | All day
University of Georgia
History Film Series: Memories of Underdevelopment
January 16 | 7
101 LeConte Hall
History Faculty Meeting
January 16 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
History guest lecture
January 14 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
Call for Papers: 2025 University of Georgia History Graduate Student Association Conference
January 6 | All day
The deadline for paper proposals is January 6, 2025.
Spring 2025 Classes Begin Jan 6; Drop/Add Jan 6 - 13
January 6
13 | All day
University of Georgia
Holiday: New Year’s Day
January 1 | All day
U Georgia
Winter Break Dec 25 - 31
December 25
31 | All day
UGA campus
Fall 2024 Final Exams
December 5 | All day
December 6 | All day
December 9 | All day
December 10 | All day
December 11 | All day
Final Exam schedule:
Fall 2024 Final Exams
December 5 | All day
December 6 | All day
December 9 | All day
December 10 | All day
December 11 | All day
Final Exam schedule:
Fall 2024 Final Exams
December 5 | All day
December 6 | All day
December 9 | All day
December 10 | All day
December 11 | All day
Final Exam schedule:
Fall 2024 Final Exams
December 5 | All day
December 6 | All day
December 9 | All day
December 10 | All day
December 11 | All day
Final Exam schedule:
Fall 2024 Final Exams
December 5 | All day
December 6 | All day
December 9 | All day
December 10 | All day
December 11 | All day
Final Exam schedule:
PhD Comprehensive Examination: Andrew Craig
Andrew Craig (University of Georgia)
December 4 | 1
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Reading Day
December 4 | All day
University of Georgia
Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Karyna Hlyvynska
Karyna Hlyvynska (University of Georgia)
December 3 | 11am
Location TBA
Friday Class Schedule in Effect* on Tuesday December 3, 2024
December 3 | All day
University of Georgia
Student Thanksgiving Break: November 27-29
November 27
29 | All day
Fall 2024 student on-line history course evaluations: Nov 25 - Dec. 4, 2024.
November 25
December 4 | All day
Dirty History Workshop: John-Henry Harter
November 22 | 3:30
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
History Faculty Meeting
November 21 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society & History Club is having a roast!
November 20 | 7
101 LeConte Hall
History Grad Yoga & Mindfulness
November 15 | 3:30
314 Miller Learning Center, North Tower Room
UGA’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition
Nathanael Mickelson (University of Georgia)
November 14 | 6:30
Morton Theatre (Downtown Athens)
The Open: A Graduate Student/Faculty Workshop
November 14 | 12:30
201 Conference Room
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Induction & Guest Speaker
November 13 | 7
101 LeConte Hall
History Film Series: "Roma"
November 11 | 7
101 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Appreciation Week: November 9-15, 2024 check the schedule here for events!
November 9
15 | All day
Plastic Capitalism: Banks, Credit Cards, and the end of Financial Control, with Sean Vanatta
Dr. Sean Vanatta, School of Social & Political Sciences (University of Glasgow)
November 7 | 2:20
148 Zell Miller Learning Center
Amanda Wunder (CUNY): Spanish Fashion in the Age of Velázquez: A Tailor at the Court of Philip IV
Dr. Amanda Wunder, Global Early Modern Studies (The City University of New York)
November 7 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did a corncrib, pigsty, and outhouse become an icon of Georgian Patriotism?
James F. Brooks (University of Georgia)
November 5 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
Grace Ballor: Enterprise and Integration: Big Business and the Making of the Single European Market
Dr. Grace Ballor, Department of Social and Political Science (Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)
November 4 | 12:40
Pinnacle Room (480), Baldwin Hall
UGA Fall Break - No Classes
November 1 | All day
U Georgia
P.A.T. Honor Society & History Book Club movie night & costume contest! Film: The Witch
October 30 | 7
101 LeConte Hall
History at Work: Double Dawgs
October 29 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Workshop: Sarah Besky
October 25 | 3:30
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Civil War Ghosts of Georgia, with Courtney McInvale
Courtney McInvale, (Author)
October 22 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
Confronting Jim Crow: Race, Memory, and the University of Georgia in the Twentieth Century
Robert Cohen, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development (New York University)
October 18 | 12:30
148 Zell Miller Learning Center
From Dissertation-to-Book, with Dr. James Welborn
October 17 | 2:30
102 LeConte Hall
Dueling Cultures, Damnable Legacies: Southern Violence and White Supremacy in the Civil War Era, with James Welborn (GCSU)
Dr. James Hill "Trae" Welborn III, History (Georgia College and State University)
October 17 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
PhD Comprehensive Exam: Libia Jiménez Chávez
Libia Jiménez Chávez (University of Georgia)
October 11 | 10am
201 Conference Room
Book talk with Dr. Jason De León (UCLA): Soldiers and Kings: Survival and Hope in the World of Human Smuggling
Jason De León, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (UCLA Social Sciences Division)
October 10 | 3:30
248 Zell Miller Learning Center
History Film Series: Tokyo Story (1953)
October 9 | 5
101 LeConte Hall
Graduate PDW: for historians pursuing a career outside the academy
October 8 | 2:20
201 Conference Room
History Faculty Meeting
October 8 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
DeLisa Hawkes, on "Olivia Ward Bush-Banks and Black/Indigenous Solidarities"
Dr. DeLisa Hawkes, Africana Studies (University of Tennessee - Knoxville)
October 7 | 12:30
221 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Workshop: Pablo Palomino
October 4 | 3:30
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
UGA at Oxford presents: Dr. Ian Archer, Keble College, Oxford University
Dr. Ian Archer, Keble College (Oxford University, U.K.)
October 4 | 3
221 LeConte Hall
History Grad Student/Faculty Fall Social
October 3 | 7
Athentic Brewing, 108 Park Avenue, Athens, GA 30601
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did judges solve murder cases in twelfth-century China?
Ari Daniel Levine (University of Georgia)
October 1 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
POSTPONED: Ben Gillespie, "Archives Fever"
September 27 | 4
POSTPONED- "How Physics Flew the Philosophers’ Nest"
Dr. Katherine A. Brading, Philosophy (Duke University)
September 26 | 4
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society & History Book Club presents a historical debate: The Atom Bomb
September 25 | 7
101 LeConte Hall
PhD Comprehensive Exam: Devin Jerome
Devin Jerome (University of Georgia)
September 25 | 9
201 Conference Room
History Faculty Meeting
September 24 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
Fall Career & Internship Fair
September 23 | 12
The Classic Center, downtown Athens, GA
Graduate Student PDW: “What can you do with a Graduate Degree in History?”
September 19 | 2
201 Conference Room
Jim Grossman: “The Future of the Past: Broadening Historical Research”
Dr. James Grossman, (American Historical Association)
September 19 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
History Film Series: Ladri di biciclette (Bicycle Thieves, 1948)
September 9 | 7
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Workshop: Alexander Bowen
September 6 | 3:30
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why did humanitarians worry about giving too much disaster aid to Puerto Rico?
Reinaldo L. Román (University of Georgia)
September 5 | 12:45
101 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Pizza Lunch w/the Dept. Head & Grad Coordinator!
September 3 | 12:45
111 Graduate Reading Room, LeConte Hall
HIST7900 at Richard Russell Special Collections Library
August 29 | 3:55
UGA Special Collections Library, 300 South Hull Street
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society & History Book Club - Trivia Night!
August 28 | 7
101 LeConte Hall
for New History Graduate Students - Event
August 18 | 6
off-campus (by invitation)
History Department Orientation for New Graduate Students (Required)
August 9 | 9am
102 LeConte Hall
Session II Final Exams
August 2 | All day
Summer exam schedule
Thru session Final Exams Aug 1-2
August 1
2 | All day exam schedule -information/calendars/academic-calendars/
Deadline: Session II and THRU session history on-line course evaluations July 24-31
July 24
31 | All day
UGA Summer classes
M.A. Thesis Defense: Rory Oates
July 8 | 3
201 LeConte Hall
PhD Dissertation defense: Jonathan Hepworth
Jonathan Hepworth (University of Georgia)
July 8 | 10am
201 LeConte Hall
Summer Session II classes begin July 8; Drop/Add July 8-9
July 8
9 | All day
UGA summer schedule
Session I Final Exams
July 5 | All day
Summer Final Exams
Session I student on-line history course evaluations June 28 - July 4
June 28
July 4 | All day
Doctoral Dissertation Defense: William Kelson
Bill Kelson (University of Georgia)
June 26 | 11:30am
Via Zoom
Summer Session I and Thru session classes begin June 6
June 6 | All day
UGA summer sessions
May Final Exams
June 5 | All day
Deadline: May session history on-line course evaluations May 27 - June 4
May 27
June 4 | All day
M.A. Thesis Defense: R. Shaw Bridges
Robert Shaw Bridges (University of Georgia)
May 16 | 12
201 Conference Room
May session begins May 14. Drop/Add May 14-15
May 14 | All day
May 15 | All day
UGA summer schedule
May session begins May 14. Drop/Add May 14-15
May 14 | All day
May 15 | All day
UGA summer schedule
2024 Annual Graduating Seniors Luncheon & Awards
May 10 | 12
285 UGA Special Collections Library, 300 S. Hull St., Athens
UGA Spring 2024 Master's and Specialist Student Commencement
May 9 | 10am
Stegeman Coliseum
History Department annual Faculty and Graduate student spring event
May 3 | 6pm
Historic Athens, Fire Hall No. 2, Prince Avenue
Opening Reception: Student Curated Projects
April 30 | 3:30pm
Special Collections 2nd Floor Galleries, Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries
Reading Day
April 30 | 12am
University of Georgia
Spring 2024 last day of classes
April 29 | 11pm
University of Georgia
UGA Center for Asian Studies, Early Career Workshop on “Mobilities, Itineraries, Circulations: Rethinking Asian Connections”
April 26 | 8am
Peabody Board Room, Administration Building
"So you want to work in an archive?"
April 25 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
PhD Oral Comprehensive Examination
Theodora Light (University of Georgia)
April 23 | 12:30pm
201 LeConte Hall
Christopher Craig (Tohoku University), "Middlemen of Modernity: Local Elites and Agricultural Development in Modern Japan"
Dr. Christopher Craig, Research and Development Unit of the Center for Integrated Japanese Studies (Tohoku University (Japan))
April 18 | 9am
Via Zoom
A Virtual Curatorial Tour of Red Coral Stories: Reimagining Classical Pasts for Native Futures
Kendall Lovely, History (University of California, Santa Barbara)
April 17 | 4pm
Via Zoom (4:00 - 5:30 PM)
GLC @ Lunch: Dr. Cassia Roth, "Black Nurse, White Milk: Slavery and the Politics of Breastfeeding in Nineteenth Century Rio de Janeiro, Brazil."
April 17 | 12pm
A virtual event
M.A. Thesis Defense: Austin Coke
Austin Coke (University of Georgia)
April 15 | 2pm
201 LeConte Hall
PhD Oral Comprehensive Examination: Ben Roy
Benjamin Roy (University of Georgia)
April 15 | 9:30am
201 Conference Room
Meetup with our Internship & Career Coordinator
April 12 | 11am
104 Undergraduate Lounge, LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Lauren Elyse Elyaman
Lauren Elyse Elyaman (University of Georgia)
April 11 | 1pm
201 LeConte Hall
History Graduate Student Pizza & Chat
April 11 | 12:45pm
320 LeConte Hall
Phi Alpha Theta (History Honor Society) General Meeting
April 10 | 6pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did oil wealth make the people of Iraq poorer?
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
April 9 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
PhD Oral Comprehensive Examination: Patrick Sheridan
Patrick Sheridan (University of Georgia)
April 8 | 10am
201 LeConte Hall
It's Graduate Student Appreciation Week! April 1-5
April 5 | 1pm
April 1-5
Graduate Student Appreciation Coffee Hour!
April 4 | 11:30am
200 LeConte Hall, 11:30am -1:00pm
Dirty History Workshop: Arunabh Ghosh
March 29 | 3:30pm
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
PhD Oral Comprehensive Examination: Maya Brooks
Maya Brooks (University of Georgia)
March 29 | 2pm
320 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Meet & Greet with Stan Deaton, with a Georgia Historical Society presentation
March 28 | 2pm
200, 201 LeConte Hall
"What can you do with a history degree?" with UGA alum Stan Deaton (Georgia Historical Society)
Dr. Stan Deaton, Senior Historian and The Dr. Elaine B. Andrews Distinguished Historian (Georgia Historical Society)
March 28 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dawg Day of Giving 2024
March 26 | 11pm
Give any amount, all day!
2024 History Graduate Student Association Conference: “Old South, New South, No South”
March 23 | 8am
March 24 | 8am
Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, GA
HGSA Conference Keynote Address: Dr. Blair LM Kelley, "Black Folk, The Roots of the Black Working Class"
Blair LM Kelley, American Studies (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
March 23 | 3:45pm
Dogwood Hall, Georgia Center for Continuing Education
Heirloom Southern Apples: Past, Present and Future
March 23 | 9am
Garden Club of Georgia Terrace Room, State Botanical Garden of Georgia, 2450 S Milledge Ave, Athens, GA 30605
2024 History Graduate Student Association Conference: “Old South, New South, No South”
March 23 | 8am
March 24 | 8am
Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, GA
“God’s Little Daughters” and a Missionary Odyssey in Modern China
Dr. Ji Li, School of Modern Languages and Cultures (China Studies), and Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HKIHSS) (University of Hong Kong)
March 22 | 2pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Todd Little-Siebold, "The Lost Ancestors: Apples, History and DNA"
Dr. Todd Little-Siebold, History (College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine)
March 21 | 1pm
101 LeConte Hall
Job and Internship Applying Day
March 21 | 12pm
261 Park Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: canceled
March 19 | 12:45pm
canceled for today
Graduate student seminar with Peter Wood
March 19 | 10am
201 Conference Room
INAS presents a Film Screening and Panel Discussion: "Imagining the Indian: The Fight Against Native American Mascoting"
March 15 | 6:30pm
Morton Theatre, 195 W. Washington St., Athens, GA
Dirty History Workshop: Helen Curry
March 15 | 3:30pm
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
History Graduate Studies Accepted Student Open House
March 14 | 8am
March 15 | 9am
UGA North Campus
Oscar Hokeah: Cherokee Novelist, winner of this year’s PEN Hemingway first novel prize
Oscar Hokeah,,
March 14 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Graduate Studies Accepted Student Open House
March 14 | 8am
March 15 | 9am
UGA North Campus
(IWS) Women's History Month lecture: Dr. Kate Manne on "The Authority of Hunger"
March 13 | 4:30pm
248 Miller Learning Center
Book Talk - The Struggle for Change: Race and the Politics of Reconciliation in Modern Richmond
Dr. Marvin T. Chiles, History (Old Dominion University)
February 28 | 3pm
101 LeConte Hall
UGA School of Law presents Law, Migration, and Decolonization, a Book Launch w/ Dr. Kalyani Ramnath
February 28 | 12pm
Hirsch Hall, Classroom H (355)
Oral History Workshop (registration required)
February 22 | 3:45pm
321 LeConte Hall; 3:55-5:10 PM.
Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, “Writing a Way Home: A Life in Southern and Women’s History”
Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, History (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
February 22 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Black Women's Historical Wellness: Yoga, Tea, and Traditions of Collective Self-Care
Dr. Stephanie Y. Evans, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Africana Studies (Georgia State University)
February 19 | 5:30pm
204 Caldwell Hall
Black Women’s Wellness in Practice: Talk and Tea with Dr. Stephanie Evans
Dr. Stephanie Evans, (Georgia State University)
February 19 | 12pm
Adinkra Hall, 4th Floor Memorial Hall
Faculty meeting- Dept. Writing Intensive Plan
February 15 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Alaina E. Roberts: "Black Slavery, Native Nations, and the Path to Reconciliation"
Dr. Alaina E. Roberts, History (University of Pittsburgh)
February 12 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
INAS: Rainy Brake - Teaching Cherokee Language
February 8 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
For Graduate students: Meet the Graduate Coordinator
February 6 | 1pm
200 conference room
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did the murder of a Black activist end Reconstruction in North Carolina?
Scott Reynolds Nelson (University of Georgia)
February 6 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Workshop: Ben Prostine
February 2 | 3:30pm
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did the bandleader of the Harlem Hellfighters become the "Martin Luther King" of Jazz?
Andrew Walgren (University of Georgia)
January 23 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: "How did a crazy German guy almost restore the Mongol Empire in the 20th century?"
January 16 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 15 | 12am
University of Georgia
Dirty History Workshop: Fraser Livingston
January 12 | 3:30pm
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Call for Papers Deadline: Dec. 31. HGSA Conference, "Old South, New South, No South"
December 31 | 5pm
Submit online
Fall 2023 Graduate Student Commencement
December 15 | 2pm
Stegeman Coliseum
Fall 2023 Undergraduate Commencement
December 15 | 10am
Stegeman Coliseum
Franklin College Graduate Student Party
December 7 | 9pm
Athenaeum, 287 W. Broad St., Athens, GA
M.A. Thesis Defense: Roberto Arguedas
Roberto Arguedas (University of Georgia)
December 5 | 2pm
Virtual, via Zoom
Dirty History Workshop: Chad Montrie
December 1 | 5pm
201 LeConte Hall
Department Faculty, graduate student, staff fall social
November 30 | 6:30pm
Puma Yu’s, 355 Oneta St. Suite D, 400 A, Athens, GA 30601
Graduate Student Auditions for the Lunchtime Time Machine
November 28 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
PhD Comprehensive Examination: Ariana Persico
Ariana Persico (University of Georgia)
November 16 | 1:30pm
201 LeConte Hall
History Faculty meeting
November 16 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Phinizy Lecture: Colson Whitehead
November 15 | 5:30pm
The Chapel, 109 Herty Drive
(WIP) History Faculty Meeting
November 14 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
"Who is Doctor Bauer?: Rematriating a Censored Story on Internment, Wardship, and Sexual Violence in Wartime Alaska, 1941 - 1944"
Dr. Holly Guise, History Department (University of New Mexico)
November 13 | 2pm
Virtual, via Zoom (registration required)
Dirty History Workshop: Dr. Ashton Merck
November 10 | 5pm
320 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: What Greek god performed the best healing miracles?
November 7 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Franklin College Homecoming Tailgate 2023
November 4 | 12am
New College, Lawn: Three hours prior to kickoff
Faculty Lecture | Akela Reason: “Politics and Memory: Civil War Monuments in Gilded Age New York”
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
November 2 | 5pm
Lamar Dodd School of Art, N100
Professional Development Workshop (PDW): Archives Panel
November 2 | 2pm
virtual, via Zoom
Book talk: "Latin America's Democratic Crusade", with Allen Wells
Dr. Allen Wells, History (Bowdoin College)
November 2 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Behind the Headlines: The Gaza War and the Future of Palestine
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
November 1 | 1pm
150 Zell Miller Learning Center
History Faculty Meeting
October 31 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Industry Insiders - Careers in Financial Services in New York: Arch Ready Fall 2023
October 24 | 5pm
Online Via Handshake: Registration required
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why did Nazis admire U.S. Indian Policy?
October 24 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Coffee Chat, with Dr. Akela Reason
October 18 | 12:30pm
201 Conference Room
2023 Graduate School Info Day
October 18 | 10am
Tate Grand Hall, Tate Student Center
Historic Athens History Hour: Indigenizing Athens with Prof. James Brooks
James F. Brooks (University of Georgia)
October 17 | 12pm
Lyndon House Arts Center, 211 Hoyt Street, Athens, GA 30601
Dr. Christina Snyder, "Building UGA: Convict Labor at Sanford Stadium and Beyond"
Dr. Christina Snyder, History Department, (The Pennsylvania State University)
October 16 | 3pm
221 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Workshop: Jessie Luna
October 13 | 5pm
320 LeConte Hall
Book Presentation: Exemplary Violence: Rewriting History in Colonial Colombia
October 13 | 2pm
118 Gilbert Hall
Guest Lecture: Justene Hill Edwards
Dr. Justene Hill Edwards, Corcoran Department of History (University of Virginia)
October 12 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
October 11 | 3pm
265 Park Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did a tiny man with an upset tummy terrify southern Democrats after the Civil War?
Bryant K. Barnes (University of Georgia)
October 10 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
'Preparing for the Academic Job Market’ with UGA History alum, Pat Breen
Dr. Pat Breen, History and Classics (Providence College.)
October 6 | 3pm
201 Conference Room
Hispanic Heritage Month guest lecture: New Histories of the Latino South: A Conversation with Cecilia Márquez and Sarah McNamara
October 5 | 5pm
148 Miller Learning Center
HGSA Book Sale, 9 AM - 4 PM
October 4 | 4pm
October 5 | 4pm
LeConte Hall Plaza
Faculty Meeting
October 5 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
HGSA Book Sale, 9 AM - 4 PM
October 4 | 4pm
October 5 | 4pm
LeConte Hall Plaza
Internships and Career Resources for History Majors
October 3 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Workshop: Kris Lane
September 22 | 5pm
320 LeConte Hall
Dirty History presents Kris Lane: Cash for Your Gold! Precious Metals, the Environment, & Early Modernity
Dr. Kris Lane, History (Tulane University)
September 22 | 12:30pm
145 Brooks Hall
Faculty New Book Release and Reception: Kalyani Ramnath
September 21 | 4pm
314 North Tower, 3rd Floor, Zell Miller Learning Center
Lunchtime Time Machine: Where have all the Indians gone?
James F. Brooks (University of Georgia)
September 19 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Required EOO Training: Graduate Students (History)
September 12 | 12:45pm
Virtual Event
Oconee Library History Series: "From Slavery to the Stars: Examining the Lives and Legacies of Harriet Jacobs and Katherine Johnson"
Maya Brooks (University of Georgia)
September 10 | 2pm
Oconee County Library
Dr. Sarah Case: Race, Reform, and Religious Faith: The Life and Tragic Death of Athens’ Juliette Derricotte
Dr. Sarah Case, Editor (The Public Historian)
September 7 | 4pm
221 LeConte Hall
Faculty/Grad Workshop: “Writing and Publishing Strategies to reach Our Varied Publics”
Dr. Sarah Case, The Public Historian (University of California, Santa Barbara)
September 6 | 3pm
102 LeConte Hall
Retirement party for Cilla Cartwright
August 31 | 2pm
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Faculty/grad student discussion: Humanities Pedagogy and AI in German and American Classrooms
August 30 | 4:30pm
Reading Room, 3rd floor of Main Library
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why were so many "witches" executed at Salem?
Michael P. Winship (University of Georgia)
August 29 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Faculty/grad student discussion: Premodern History in the Twenty-First Century
August 29 | 11am
Sanders Board Room, Rusk Center
Dirty History Workshop: Nathanael Mickelson
August 25 | 5pm
320 LeConte Hall
UGA Fall classes begin August 16; Drop/Add Aug 16-22
August 22 | 5pm
Graduate School Welcome Fair
August 14 | 2pm
the Classic Center, Athena Ballroom (Downtown Athens, GA)
International Student Orientation August 7th – 11th, 2023
August 7 | 12am
August 11 | 12am
Date of conferral of Summer 2023 degrees
August 7 | 11pm
Summer 2023
International Student Orientation August 7th – 11th, 2023
August 7 | 12am
August 11 | 12am
M.A. Thesis Defense: Robert Carpenter
Robert Carpenter (University of Georgia)
June 20 | 2pm
Summer Thru session Drop/Add June 8-14
June 14 | 12am
Summer session I Drop Add June 8-9
June 9 | 5pm
Guest lecture: The Spanish inquisition in the Viceroyalty of Peru and Rio de la Plata, 16th - 17th Centuries
Dr. Federico Tulio Sartori, Colegio Nacional de Monserrat (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
June 1 | 3pm
102 LeConte Hall
PhD Comprehensive Examination: Jared Asser
May 18 | 10am
201 LeConte Hall, Conference Room
PhD Dissertation Defense: Whitney Priest
Whitney Priest (University of Georgia)
May 17 | 10am
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
2023 Annual Reception for Graduating Seniors in History
May 12 | 12pm
3rd Floor, Sidney Samuel Thomas Reading Room, Miller Learning Center
Spring Graduate Student Commencement (M.A. and Ph.D.)
May 11 | 9:30am
Sanford Stadium
Spring 2023 History Class on-line evaluations April 24-May 2
May 2 | 5pm
May 2 | 5pm
Spring 2023 History Class on-line evaluations April 24-May 2
May 2 | 5pm
May 2 | 5pm
Last day of Spring classes
May 1 | 12am
PhD Comprehensive Examination: Bea Burton
Beatrice Burton (University of Georgia)
April 26 | 1:30pm
201 LeConte Hall
Inst. of Native American Studies guest lecture: Andrew Denson
Dr. Andrew Denson, History Department (Western Carolina University)
April 20 | 2:30pm
265 Park Hall
Chris Suh: “Asia, Asian America, and the American South: Doing Transpacific History in Georgia”
Dr. Chris Suh, History (Emory University)
April 18 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Workshop: Hiromi Mizuno
Hiromi Mizuno, History (University of Minnesota)
April 14 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Faculty Perspectives: Dr. Akela Reason
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
April 12 | 2pm
Georgia Museum of Art
History at Work: Resumes, Cover Letters, and Job Interview Strategies
Brandi Raines,
April 11 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Christine Combs
Christine Combs (University of Georgia)
April 10 | 2pm
University of Georgia
History guest lecture: Carbon Technocracy with Dr. Victor Seow
Dr. Victor Seow, History of Science (Harvard University)
April 7 | 3:30pm
Graduate Student Appreciation coffee hour/lunch
April 5 | 10:30am
April 7 | 12am
LTTM: How did bananas bring Southeast Asia to the brink of collapse during WWII?
April 6 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
From Confrontation to Détente? Controversies about a planned Cold War Museum at Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin
Dr. Andreas Etges, American History, Culture, and Society (University of Munich)
April 5 | 4:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Appreciation coffee hour/lunch
April 5 | 10:30am
April 7 | 12am
The Graduate PDW presents: Simon Taylor (Staff UX Researcher at YouTube)
April 4 | 2pm
History at Work presents: Simon Taylor (Staff UX Researcher at YouTube)
April 4 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Sachen Pillay
Sachen Pillay (University of Georgia)
April 3 | 1pm
Dawg Day of Giving
March 30 | 11pm
2022-2023 UGA Charter Lecture
March 30 | 1pm
Masters Hall, Georgia Center
PhD Comprehensive Examination: Steven Krug
March 29 | 1pm
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Women's History Month Campus Tour
March 24 | 4pm
Meet in front of Main Library. Registration required
Dr. La Shonda Mims (UGA Alum), “A Black Gay Political Force”: Drastic Dykes in Late-Twentieth Century Atlanta
Dr. La Shonda Mims, History Department (Middle Tennessee State University)
March 23 | 12:45pm
LeConte 101
Meeting with Visiting Liverpool Historians
March 23 | 9:30am
200 Faculty Lounge
(IWS) Women’s History Month Keynote Address: “Stories of Lumbee Women”
March 21 | 4pm
271 Special Collections Libraries
History at Work: Applying for Government Jobs
Brandi Raines,
March 21 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Book Reading: Joseph Geha, author of "Kitchen Arabic: How My Family Came to America and the Recipes We Brought with Us"
March 20 | 6pm
The Athenaeum, 287 W. Broad St, Athens, GA 30605
Graduate Student Writing Retreat
March 18 | 10am
North Tower Room, Zell Miller Learning Center (3rd floor)
Dirty History Book Talk:The Long Land War: The Global Struggle for Occupancy Rights, Jo Guldi
Jo Guldi, History (Southern Methodist University)
March 17 | 12:45pm
145 Brooks Hall
History Information table: stop by for a cookie, and news on upcoming events!
February 14 | 12am
March 17 | 12am
2nd floor information table, LeConte Hall
Gender and History Workshop: Meg Weeks (Harvard)
Meg Weeks, History (Harvard University)
March 15 | 11:30am
Virtual, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (EST)
LTTM: How did women get abortions before Roe v. Wade?
March 14 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Visiting Speaker: Santee Frazier, Cherokee Nation Poet & Educator
March 2 | 3pm
Old Fire Hall #2: 489 Prince Ave., Athens, GA 30601
2023 Holmes-Hunter Lecture
February 28 | 2pm
University of Georgia Chapel
Documentary screening: "To What Remains" with UGA alum Pat Scannon
Dr. Pat Scannon, (Project Recover)
February 27 | 2:30pm
271 Russell Special Collections Libraries Auditorium
Graduate Student Forum: State of the Graduate Program
February 23 | 12:45pm
LeConte 101
Dirty History Workshop: Robert Ferguson
Robert Ferguson (University of Georgia)
February 17 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Where Public History and Academia Collide: The Margaret Walker Center at Jackson State University
Dr. Robert Luckett, History and Philosophy (Jackson State University)
February 16 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Information table: stop by for a cookie, and news on upcoming events!
February 14 | 12am
March 17 | 12am
2nd floor information table, LeConte Hall
Indian Slavery and Maronnage in Early Modern Florida
Theodora Light (University of Georgia)
February 9 | 7pm
A virtual event by CGCAS
Grad student meetup with Dr. Garrett-Scott
February 9 | 3pm
Room 200, conference room
Shennette Garrett-Scott: "All the Other Devils This Side of Hades: Jim Crow and Early Black Banks"
Dr. Shennette Garrett-Scott, History (College of Liberal Arts at Texas A&M University )
February 9 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
LTTM: Why did the Nazis murder Capitaine Charles N’Tchoréré?
Timothy Cleaveland (University of Georgia)
February 7 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Book Talk with James C. Cobb, Author of C. Vann Woodward: America's Historian
February 2 | 4pm
271 UGA Special Collections Libraries
Documentary Screening, "Monument: The Untold Story of Stone Mountain"
February 1 | 3pm
Ciné, 234 West Hancock Avenue
Required EOO Training: All Graduate Students (History)
January 31 | 12:45pm
LeConte 101
Dirty History Workshop: Jeremy Zallen
Jeremy Zallen, History (Lafayette College)
January 27 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Lecture: Queering the Archive: Re-Scripting Narratives of U.S. Chattel Slavery
January 26 | 12:45pm
212 Sanford Hall
LTTM: Graduate Student Winning History Talk
Whitney Priest (University of Georgia)
January 24 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student PDW: Peer Review Panel
January 20 | 3pm
320 LeConte Hall
Lecture: Moved and Seduced by the Instigation of the Devil: Enslaved Women, Infanticide, and the Law
January 19 | 12:45pm
212 Sanford Hall
Info Session: Museum Field Studies in Atlanta (May session)
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
January 18 | 12:30pm
321 LeConte Hall, 12:40 - 1:30 PM.
Lecture: Mary Ann Shadd Cary and Nineteenth-Century Black Women's Radicalism
January 17 | 12:45pm
212 Sanford Hall
Graduate Student PDW: Teaching Portfolio/Interdisciplinary Teaching Certificate
January 13 | 3pm
320 LeConte Hall
UGA Holiday Schedule Dec. 26 - 30
December 26 | 12am
December 30 | 5pm
University of Georgia
UGA Holiday Schedule Dec. 26 - 30
December 26 | 12am
December 30 | 5pm
University of Georgia
Fall 2022 Commencement
December 16 | 12am
Stegeman Coliseum: Undergraduate - 9:30 AM, Graduate - 2:30 PM
Dirty History Workshop: Shaw Bridges
Robert Shaw Bridges (University of Georgia)
December 2 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
HIST/GLOB/LACS3770 students present: Pandemic! Infectious Disease in Global History
November 29 | 2:15pm
December 1 | 2:15pm
Special Collections Library Auditorium, Room 271
LTTM: Graduate Student Competition
December 1 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
HIST/GLOB/LACS3770 students present: Pandemic! Infectious Disease in Global History
November 29 | 2:15pm
December 1 | 2:15pm
Special Collections Library Auditorium, Room 271
UGA INAS presents Rebecca Nagle
Rebecca Nagle,
November 21 | 4:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
Gender and History Workshop: Dr. Ling Ma (SUNY Geneseo)
Dr. Ling Ma, History (State University of New York)
November 15 | 4pm
Virtual Event, 4:00-6:00 PM
LTTM: Why are there no American Indians in the story of Athens?
November 15 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
PDW: History Graduate Student Writing Retreat
November 12 | 10am
10 AM - 4 PM, 320 LeConte Hall
Willson Center Distinguished Lecture: "World War II and Global Memory Culture: The Case of the 'Comfort Women'"
Carol Gluck, History Department (Columbia University)
November 10 | 4pm
Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall, UGA Law School
Graduate Student Book Sale, Nov 2-3
November 3 | 9am
9 AM - 3 PM, LeConte Hall Plaza (outside)
Georgia Premiere, "Behind the Strings; The Shanghai Quartet Documentary Film"
November 1 | 7:30pm
Tate Theatre
The 2022 Gregory Lecture presents Dr. Jim Downs (Gettysburg College)
Dr. Jim Downs, Civil War Era Studies and History (Gettysburg College)
November 1 | 3:30pm
UGA Chapel
Behind the Headlines Q&A (pt. 2): Mass Protest in Iran
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
October 25 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Behind the Headlines Q&A (pt. 1): War in Ukraine
Joseph Kellner (University of Georgia)
October 20 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Workshop: Andrew Craig
Andrew Craig (University of Georgia)
October 14 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
PDW: Publishing an Academic Manuscript with Timothy Mennel, University of Chicago Press
Timothy Mennel, History Editor (University of Chicago Press)
October 14 | 1:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Gender and History Workshop: Dr. Lina-Maria Murillo (U Iowa)
Dr. Lina-Maria Murillo, Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies, History, and Latina/o/x Studies (University of Iowa)
October 11 | 4pm
Virtual Event, 4:00-6:00 PM
LTTM: Boxed, Beheaded, Drowned: Why are we tearing down statues of Columbus?
Benjamin Ehlers (University of Georgia)
October 11 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Faculty/Grad Students/Staff Annual Fall Social
October 9 | 2pm
(Check your email invitation for directions)
Book Talk: Goldwater Girls to Reagan Women
October 7 | 4pm
277 Special Collections Libraries
History Faculty Teaching Workshop
October 4 | 12:45pm
Dirty History Workshop: Lara Vapnek
Lara Vapnek, History (St. John's University)
September 30 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Lunch: Meet & Greet our Director!
September 28 | 12pm
200, 201 LeConte Hall (12:00 - 2:00 PM)
PDW: Grant-writing workshop for Graduate Students
September 23 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
LTTM: What happened in Athens in the LAST great pandemic?
Brian Allen Drake (University of Georgia)
September 22 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
New History Grad Student Q & A
September 21 | 1:30pm
139 Park Hall
History Lecture: Dr. Ursula Prutsch
Dr. Ursula Prutsch, American History, Culture and Society (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität )
September 20 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
New Grad students event
September 17 | 10:30am
Athens, GA
Constitution Day
September 16 | 2pm
UGA Chapel
Fall 2022 TA Orientation (TAO) and Welcome Event
August 16 | 12am
Fall TA Orientation (Required for new graduate students)
The New Graduate Student Information Fair
August 15 | 3pm
Stegeman Coliseum Concourse
PhD Comprehensive Examination: Maggie Neel
Margaret Neel (University of Georgia)
August 8 | 1pm
Conference Rm., 201 LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: David Charles Parker
David Charles Parker (University of Georgia)
July 21 | 12pm
PhD Comprehensive Examination: Victoria Do
Victoria Do (University of Georgia)
July 19 | 10am
201 Conference room, LeConte Hall
PhD Comprehensive Oral Exam: Nathanael Mickelson
Nathanael Mickelson (University of Georgia)
July 7 | 2pm
Summer Session I and Thru session classes begin
June 10 | 12am
UGA summer schedule
UGA Spring 2022 Undergraduate Commencement
May 13 | 7:30pm
Details at
Stemming the Tide: Environmental History and the Future of the Georgia Coast
May 5 | 9am
271 Richard B. Russell Library Building, 300 South Hull Street
DigiLab Colloquium: A Journey to "Wonderland" - Tourism in Late 19th-Century Yellowstone
April 22 | 3:30pm
Main Library, Rm. 300, the DigiLab
Book Talk: Timothy Yang, "A Medicated Empire: The Pharmaceutical Industry and Modern Japan"
Timothy Yang (University of Georgia)
April 22 | 3:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why Did Fire Ants Invade Georgia?
Kaylynn Washnock Spooksbury,
April 19 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Theodora Light
Theodora Light (University of Georgia)
April 15 | 1pm
201 Conference Room
M.A. Thesis Defense: Rolando J. Rodriguez
Rolando J. Rodriguez (University of Georgia)
April 11 | 3pm
UGA’s John Drake and Claudio Saunt to deliver 2022 Charter Lecture
Claudio Saunt (University of Georgia)
April 11 | 1pm
Virtual event
History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) Spring Event
April 9 | 3pm
Athens Memorial Park - Picnic Shelter 2
Book Talk: Scott Reynolds Nelson, "Oceans of Grain: How American Wheat Remade the World"
Scott Reynolds Nelson (University of Georgia)
April 8 | 3:30pm
265 Park Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Stephanie Holterman
Stephanie Holterman (University of Georgia)
April 8 | 12:30pm
2nd floor Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Book Talk: A Miscarriage of Justice
April 7 | 4pm
Simon Wolfe Taylor (Twitter), "From Academia to Industry: Applying a History Degree Beyond the Classroom"
Simon Wolfe Taylor, Senior UX Researcher (Twitter)
April 6 | 3pm
Graduate Student Appreciation Luncheon
April 6 | 11am
Rooms 200 and 201 (11 Am - 1 PM)
Film Screening and Discussion: "Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer"
April 5 | 6pm
101 LeConte Hall
Panel: Kudzu and the Boll Weevil in Modern Georgia
April 5 | 5:30pm
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, 2nd Floor, Auditorium (Room 271)
Postponed - Labor Trafficking in the United States
April 4 | 12:30pm
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, 271 (Auditorium)
Gender, Race, and Sexuality Reading Group
April 1 | 3pm
LeConte Hall Conference Room
Andrew Liu: Tea War: A History of Capitalism In China and India
Andrew Liu, History (Villanova University)
April 1 | 3pm
History at Work: Public History in the National Parks Service
March 31 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Their Determination to Remain: A Cherokee Community’s Resistance to the Trail of Tears in North Carolina
Lance Greene, Anthropology and Sociology (Wright State University)
March 25 | 3pm
221 LeConte Hall
Bonds of War: How Civil War Financial Agents Sold the War on the Union
March 24 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: How Did We Double Human Life Expectancy?
Stephen Berry (University of Georgia)
March 22 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Maren Ehlers: Samurai on Sakhalin: Ōno Domain, Mercantilist Reform, and the Japanese 'Northern Frontier'
Maren Ehlers, History (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
March 18 | 3pm
Understanding Ukraine: A virtual panel
March 17 | 2pm
History at Work: Museums and Educators
Isabel Mann, (National World War II Museum, New Orleans)
March 16 | 4:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Spring Break March 7 - 11
March 7 | 12pm
March 11 | 12pm
University of Georgia
Spring Break March 7 - 11
March 7 | 12pm
March 11 | 12pm
University of Georgia
Making Sense of War in Ukraine: A brief history and student Q&A
Joseph Kellner (University of Georgia)
March 2 | 3pm
221 LeConte Hall
Panel: “Understanding the War in Ukraine: Cultural and Historical Perspectives”
March 1 | 6:30pm
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, 285
Gender and History Workshop
Dr. Ogechukwu Williams, History Department (Creighton University)
February 28 | 2pm
Room TBA
Gender and History Workshop
February 28 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Accepted Graduate Student Virtual Open House
February 25 | 12am
Virtual (via Zoom)
A Georgian in Greece: Exploring the Life of John Wesley Gilbert (1863-1923)
Dr. John W.I. Lee, History Department (University of California, Santa Barbara)
February 24 | 3pm
Made Visible: Collecting and Curating Black Artists at the Georgia Museum of Art
Shawnya Harris,
February 17 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: How Did Medieval Chinese Paintings Open Up Portals to Other Worlds?
Ari Daniel Levine (University of Georgia)
February 15 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
The Linnentown Project, with Hattie Whitehead
February 3 | 5pm
Myers Programming Room, Myers Hall
Gender and Race in Europe Virtual Series: Kira Thurman
Dr. Kira Thurman, German and History (University of Michigan)
January 26 | 5pm
via Zoom
PhD Comprehensive Examination: Louise Milone
Louise Milone (University of Georgia)
January 26 | 12pm
The Deportation Express: A History of America through Forced Removal
Dr. Ethan Blue, History (University of Western Australia)
January 20 | 7pm
Info Session: 2022 Washington DC Summer Program in Public History
December 8 | 2pm
Via Zoom - pre-register by email
Lunchtime Time Machine: Was the Black railway legend John Henry a real person?
Scott Reynolds Nelson (University of Georgia)
December 2 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Thanksgiving Break Nov 24-26
November 24 | 12am
November 25 | 12am
November 26 | 12am
University of Georgia
Thanksgiving Break Nov 24-26
November 24 | 12am
November 25 | 12am
November 26 | 12am
University of Georgia
Thanksgiving Break Nov 24-26
November 24 | 12am
November 25 | 12am
November 26 | 12am
University of Georgia
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Holly Stephens, Japanese and Korean Studies (University of Edinburgh)
November 19 | 3:30pm
Lunchtime Time Machine: What Does Race Have to Do with Buried Bones in the Medical College of Georgia?
Nan McMurry (University of Georgia)
November 16 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Gender and Race in Europe Virtual Series: Robin Mitchell
Dr. Robin Mitchell, History (California State University Channel Islands (CI))
November 8 | 5pm
via Zoom
PDW: Graduate Student Federal Jobs Workshop/Lunch
November 5 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall - this event is full
Franklin Connection: Meet Elizabeth Charles
November 5 | 10am
Miller Learning Center, Sidney Samuel Thomas Reading Room
Info session: Summer Program in Public History in Washington, DC
November 2 | 12:45pm
321 LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Sara Small
Sara Small (University of Georgia)
October 29 | 11am
Fall Withdrawal Deadline
October 25 | 12am
University of Georgia
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Amy Offner, Department of History (University of Pennsylvania)
October 22 | 3:30pm
Georgia Open History Library Launch: The Power of Digital Libraries and the Contest over Historical Narrative
October 12 | 6pm
Virtual event
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why Was the Leader of the Confederacy So Often Depicted as a Mule?
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
October 12 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Gender, Race, and Sexuality Reading Group
October 11 | 3:30pm
Walker's Pub and Coffee
History of Capitalism Reading Group
October 4 | 4pm
Walker's Coffee and Pub
history grad student/faculty/staff mixer
October 2 | 3pm
Check your invite
The Tomorrow of Violence: Slavery, Kinship, and Community in the Borderlands
James F. Brooks (University of Georgia)
September 30 | 6pm
History Graduate Student Workshop
Dr. Peter Carmichael, History (Gettysburg College)
September 30 | 12:45pm
320 LeConte Hall
Gender and Race in Europe Virtual Series: Christy Pichichero
Dr. Christy Pichichero, (George Mason University)
September 29 | 5pm
via Zoom
Lunchtime Time Machine: Were Civil War Soldiers Sometimes Coerced into Fighting?
Peter S. Carmichael, History (Gettysburg College)
September 29 | 12:45pm
221 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
April Merleaux, Center for Environmental Studies (Williams College)
September 24 | 4:30pm
via Zoom
Constitution Day Lecture
September 17 | 11:30am
UGA Chapel
September faculty meeting
September 14 | 12:45pm
via Zoom
Fall 2021 Classes begin August 18
August 18 | 12am
August 24 | 12am
Drop/Add Aug 18 - 24
Fall 2021 Classes begin August 18
August 18 | 12am
August 24 | 12am
Drop/Add Aug 18 - 24
Teaching Assistant Orientation for new graduate students (required)
August 17 | 12am
See the CTL website for times and location
Graduate School Orientation & Information Fair (required)
August 16 | 9am
The Classic Center, 300 N. Thomas Street
Summer session II Final Exams
August 6 | 12am
UGA summer courses
Summer session II Withdrawal Deadline
July 23 | 12am
UGA summer
M.A. Thesis Defense: Christian Choe
Chris Choe (University of Georgia)
July 14 | 1pm
via Zoom
M.A. Thesis Defense: Savannah Guenthner
Savannah Guenthner (University of Georgia)
July 14 | 9am
via Zoom
Summer session II classes begin July 12. Drop/Add July 12 - 13.
July 12 | 12am
July 13 | 12am
UGA summer classes
M.A. Thesis Defense: Imani Rose Carter
Imani Carter (University of Georgia)
July 12 | 2pm
Virtual event
Summer session II classes begin July 12. Drop/Add July 12 - 13.
July 12 | 12am
July 13 | 12am
UGA summer classes
Summer short session I Final Exams
July 9 | 12am
UGA summer session I
M.A. Thesis Defense: Delaney Kelly
Delaney Kelly (University of Georgia)
June 25 | 10am
Via Zoom
Summer short session I withdrawal deadline
June 24 | 12am
UGA summer ocourses
Summer session I classes begin June 11. Drop/Add June 11- 14
June 11 | 12am
June 14 | 12am
UGA Summer on-line
Summer session I classes begin June 11. Drop/Add June 11- 14
June 11 | 12am
June 14 | 12am
UGA Summer on-line
May session Final Exams
June 10 | 12am
UGA summer classes
ACC Library: History of Latinx Immigration in the Southeastern United States
June 8 | 6pm
M.A. Thesis Defense: William McKee
William McKee (University of Georgia)
May 31 | 10am
May Session Withdrawal Deadline
May 28 | 12am
U Georgia
Capitalist Souths Keynote Lecture: The Global Cowboy
Tore Olsson, History (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
May 21 | 6pm
May Session classes begin
May 19 | 12am
U Georgia
May 14, 1:30 - 3:00 PM; A Gift for our Graduates!
May 14 | 3pm
Gift table, 2nd floor, Leconte Hall
Spring '21 Final Exams May 5-11
May 5 | 12am
University of Georgia
Join Phi Alpha Theta, Epsilon Pi - the History Honor Society!
April 28 | 5:30pm
"Freedom's Captives": with Dr. Yesenia Barragan
April 28 | 12pm
Via Zoom
Faculty meeting
April 27 | 12:45pm
via Zoom
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Devin Jerome (University of Georgia)
April 16 | 3:30pm
Via Zoom
(History faculty job talk and teaching discussion)
April 16 | 12:30pm
(History faculty job talk and teaching discussion)
April 15 | 12:45pm
Faculty meeting
April 13 | 12:45pm
via Zoom
Instructional Break - No Classes
April 8 | 12am
Virtual Roundtable: Slavery, Race, and Gradual Freedom in the Atlantic World
April 7 | 11am
Via Zoom
Lunchtime Time Machine: "Why are apples America's favorite fruit?"
Stephen Mihm (University of Georgia)
April 6 | 12:45pm
This is a virtual event presented via Zoom
M.A. Thesis Defense: Ashley Paige Collins
Paige Collins (University of Georgia)
April 2 | 10am
via Zoom
I've Been Here All the While | Alaina E. Roberts
March 31 | 2pm
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
March 26 | 3:30pm
Via Zoom
MSP Lecture Series: Should YOU Get Married on a Plantation?
Sara Small (University of Georgia)
March 24 | 6pm
"Hiding in Pain Sight": with Dr. Erika Edwards
Erika D. Edwards, History (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
March 24 | 12pm
Via Zoom
Beyond Grad School - Cultural Resource Specialist
Dr. Ellen Chapman,
March 22 | 12:45pm
Lunchtime Time Machine: "Did menopause exist before the modern era?"
Susan Mattern (University of Georgia)
March 18 | 12:45pm
This is a virtual event presented via Zoom
Instructional Break - No Classes
March 12 | 12am
Call for Papers: Capitalist Souths Graduate Student Conference
March 5 | 12am
Scientists and Pigs: A Conversation with Henry Cowles and Jamie Kreiner
March 3 | 7pm
Avid Bookshop on Zoom
MSP Lecture Series - Reproductive Justice: Interrogating Race, Gender, and Class in our Fight for All Women’s Bodily Autonomy
March 3 | 6pm
Call for Papers, Presentations, and Performances - History of Slavery at the University of Georgia Symposium on Recognition, Reconciliation, and Redress
March 1 | 12am
Please submit proposals to
Trivia Hour with the Department of History
February 26 | 4pm
Accepted Graduate Student Virtual Open House
February 26 | 12:45pm
"Presumed Criminal: Black Youth and the Justice System in Postwar New York" with Dr. Carl Suddler
February 26 | 12:45pm
Via Zoom
Teaching the Atlantic World: A Virtual Roundtable
February 25 | 5pm
Join us! Book club discussion with Dr. Carole Emberton
February 23 | 3pm
Via Zoom
February faculty meeting
February 23 | 12:45pm
Panel Discussion: Lillian Smith: Anti-Racist Ally
February 21 | 2pm
Via Zoom
Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery tour
February 20 | 10am
Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery
Doing Research in Federal Archives, with Jay Driskell
February 17 | 7pm
Via Zoom
Lunchtime Time Machine: "Should you have a plantation wedding?"
Sara Small (University of Georgia)
February 16 | 12:45pm
This is a virtual event via Zoom
Working as a Professional Historian, with Jay Driskell
February 10 | 7pm
Via Zoom
Guided tour of the “Making Space: Fighting for Inclusion, Building Community at UGA” exhibit at the Special Collections Libraries
February 10 | 3pm
Special Collections Library, 300 South Hull Street
"In Plenty and in Time of Need": with Dr. Lia Bascomb
Lia T. Bascomb, African American Studies (Georgia State University)
February 8 | 5:30pm
via Zoom
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Dr. Sarah Stanford-McIntyre , Herbst Program for Engineering, Ethics & Society (University of Colorado, Boulder)
February 5 | 3:30pm
Via Zoom
Lunchtime Time Machine: "How did pigs mess with the Middle Ages?"
Jamie Kreiner (University of Georgia)
January 26 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Cræft: An Inquiry into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts
Dr. Alex Langlands, (Swansea University)
January 19 | 12:45pm
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Dr. Emma Teitelman, History (University of Cambridge)
January 15 | 3:30pm
Via Zoom
Spring 2021 Classes Begin
January 13 | 12am
University of Georgia
Virtual Fall 2020 Commencement Ceremonies
December 18 | 12am
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Jennifer Eaglin, History (The Ohio State University)
December 11 | 3:30pm
Via Zoom
Faculty Meeting
December 1 | 12:45pm
Faculty meeting
December 1 | 12:45pm
Holiday: Thanksgiving
November 26 | 12am
November 27 | 12am
U Georgia
Holiday: Thanksgiving
November 26 | 12am
November 27 | 12am
U Georgia
History Graduate Student Virtual Writing Retreat
November 20 | 10am
November 21 | 10am
History Graduate Student Virtual Writing Retreat
November 20 | 10am
November 21 | 10am
History of Capitalism Reading Group Meeting
Laura Phillips Sawyer, School of Law (University of Georgia)
November 20 | 2:15am
November 20 | 4:30am
Zoom Meeting, Email for an Invitation Link.
History of Capitalism Reading Group Meeting
Laura Phillips Sawyer, School of Law (University of Georgia)
November 20 | 2:15am
November 20 | 4:30am
Zoom Meeting, Email for an Invitation Link.
UGA Franklin/Gable Visiting Scholar Liza Black, "Picturing Indians: Native Americans in Film"
Liza Black, History and Native American and Indigenous Studies (Indiana University)
November 19 | 12:30pm
Via Zoom
Monumental Discussions with Sheffield Hale (B.A. '82)
November 18 | 7pm
M.A. Thesis Defense: Sarah Anderson
Sarah Anderson (University of Georgia)
November 18 | 3pm
Via Zoom
Lunchtime Time Machine: What Did It Take To Be a Cold War Spy?
Joseph Kellner (University of Georgia)
November 17 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Dr. Rachel Schurman,
November 13 | 3:30pm
Via Zoom
"They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South", with Dr. Stephanie Jones-Rogers
Stephanie Jones-Rogers, History (University of California, Berkeley)
November 4 | 5:30pm
via Zoom
Digital Discovery Showcase: UGA Double Dawgs and Majors Fair Nov. 4, 10, 11, 2020
November 4 | 2pm
Via Zoom
History faculty meeting
October 27 | 12:45pm
Via Zoom
Claudio Saunt in conversation with Nicholas Allen for Unworthy Republic
Claudio Saunt (University of Georgia)
October 22 | 7pm
Avid Bookshop on Zoom
Save the Date: 10th Annual Gregory Distinguished Lecture (time TBA)
October 22 | 12am
UGA Chapel, Time TBA
UGA Spring 2020 Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony
October 16 | 6:30pm
Sanford Stadium
Gender, Race, and Sexuality Reading Group
October 16 | 5pm
via Zoom
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Shellen Xiao Wu, History (University of Tennessee)
October 16 | 3:30pm
Via Zoom
Lunchtime Time Machine: How Did the Nazis Subvert Democracy and Seize Power?
John Morrow, Jr. (University of Georgia)
October 15 | 12:45pm
101 LeConte Hall
History of Capitalism Reading Group Meeting
October 9 | 5pm
October 9 | 6:30pm
Zoom Meeting, Email for an Invitation Link.
History of Capitalism Reading Group Meeting
October 9 | 5pm
October 9 | 6:30pm
Zoom Meeting, Email for an Invitation Link.
"Exquisite Slaves: Race, Clothing, and Status in Colonial Lima", with Dr. Tamara Walker
Tamara Walker, History (University of Toronto)
October 5 | 5:30pm
Via Zoom
Faculty meeting
September 22 | 12:45pm
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Dr. Rafael de Bivar Marquese, Department of History (Universidade de São Paulo)
September 18 | 3:30pm
Hosted on Zoom
Constitution Day: “The Consistency of James Madison: the Bill of Rights”
September 17 | 2:30pm
virtual via Zoom
Lunchtime Time Machine: Who Murdered All These Kids?
Alexandra Velez (University of Georgia)
September 15 | 12:45pm
North PJ auditorium, room N106
Gender, Race, and Sexuality Reading Group
September 14 | 6pm
via Zoom
Graduate workshop with Dr. Toyin Alli: Back to Grad School
September 9 | 5:30pm
History of Capitalism Reading Group
September 4 | 5:30pm
September 4 | 7:45pm
via Zoom
History of Capitalism Reading Group
September 4 | 5:30pm
September 4 | 7:45pm
via Zoom
Fall 2020 classes begin; Drop/Add Aug. 20 – 26
August 23 | 12am
University of Georgia
Fall 2020 TA Orientation Virtual Kickoff (required for new TA's)
August 18 | 9:30am
via remote sign on
Summer Thru session Final Exams July 30-31
July 30 | 12am
July 31 | 12am
UGA summer
Summer Thru session Final Exams July 30-31
July 30 | 12am
July 31 | 12am
UGA summer
M.A. Thesis Defense: Devin Jerome
July 7 | 4pm
via Zoom
Summer Thru session withdrawal deadline
July 1 | 12am
UGA summer
Barton Myers on the History Channel May 25-27
Barton A. Myers, History (Washington and Lee University)
May 27 | 9pm
The History Channel
Sisters and Rebels: A Struggle for the Soul of America by Jacquelyn Dowd Hall
Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, History (University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill)
May 21 | 7pm
via Zoom
PhD Oral Comprehensive Examination: Terrell Orr
Terrell Orr (University of Georgia)
May 20 | 1pm
via Zoom
UGA Spring Commencement postponed until Fall 2020
May 8 | 12am
Spring 2020 Final Exams April 30, May 1-6
April 30 | 12am
U Georgia FInal Exams
Academic Calendar: Monday Class Schedule in Effect
April 28 | 12am
(All day)
M.A. Thesis Defense: Jacob Bratcher
Jacob Bratcher (University of Georgia)
April 24 | 10am
via Zoom
History Faculty Meeting (via Zoom)
April 21 | 12:30pm
via Zoom
M.A. Thesis Defense: Thomas McShea
Thomas McShea (University of Georgia)
April 21 | 9am
via Skype
M.A. Thesis Defense: Amrish Nair
Amrish Nair (University of Georgia)
April 20 | 2pm
via Zoom
University of Georgia G-Day
April 18 | 12am
(CANCELLED) Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Rachel Schurman, Sociology (University of Minnesota)
April 3 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Steven Krug
Steven Krug (University of Georgia)
April 2 | 1pm
via Zoom
History Faculty Meeting (via Zoom)
March 26 | 12:30pm
via Zoom
(CANCELLED) Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Rafael de Bivar Marquese, History (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
March 20 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Gordon Purcell
Gordon Purcell (University of Georgia)
March 19 | 12:30pm
201 Conference Room
Capitalist Souths, a Graduate Student Conference
March 13 | 12am
March 14 | 12am
University of Georgia
Capitalist Souths Keynote Speaker: Bart Elmore
Bart Elmore, History (The Ohio State University)
March 13 | 4pm
221 LeConte Hall
Spring Break - No Classes March 9-13, 2020
March 13 | 12am
University of Georgia
Capitalist Souths, a Graduate Student Conference
March 13 | 12am
March 14 | 12am
University of Georgia
2020 Michael L. Thurmond Lecture, featuring Dr. Maurice C. Daniels
Maurice C. Daniels, School of Social Work (University of Georgia)
March 7 | 1pm
First A.M.E. Church, Athens, GA
As It Lies: A Natural History of Untruth
March 2 | 4:30pm
101 LeConte
Join us for a special Reading Group event to discuss "Cigarettes, Inc: An Intimate History of Corporate Imperialism"
February 28 | 3:30pm
(Room TBA)
Tour of Historic Black Athens (this event is FULL)
Broderick Flanigan,
February 28 | 3pm
Downtown Athens
History Graduate Studies Accepted Students Open House 2020
February 27 | 12am
February 28 | 12am
LeConte Hall
Ferdinand Phinizy Lecture: Lawrence Wright, "The Future of Terrorism"
Lawrence Wright,
February 27 | 4pm
University Chapel, North Campus
History Graduate Studies Accepted Students Open House 2020
February 27 | 12am
February 28 | 12am
LeConte Hall
History faculty meeting
February 25 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Padraic Scanlan, Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, and also the Centre for Diaspora & Transnational Studies (University of Toronto)
February 21 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Book Talk: Holly Pinheiro (Augusta U)
Holly Pinheiro, Department of History, Anthropology and Philosophy (Augusta University)
February 21 | 10am
101 LeConte Hall
Free Screening of "Glory", followed by a discussion with Holly Pinheiro
Holly Pinheiro, History (Augusta University)
February 20 | 1:30pm
Ciné Theater, 234 West Hancock St. Athens
Confronting An Ugly Past, Building a Beautiful Future: The Legacy of Jim Crow at the Birmingham Museum of Art
February 19 | 4pm
Georgia Museum of Art
Black History Month Book Club: Educated in Tyranny: Slavery at Thomas Jefferson's University
Louis Nelson, History (University of Virginia)
February 18 | 8pm
102 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: What do you mean black Catholic nuns taught in 1830s Baltimore?
Diane Batts Morrow (University of Georgia)
February 18 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Marvin Chiles
Marvin T. Chiles (University of Georgia)
February 17 | 10am
201 LeConte Hall
Faculty Book Talk: Cassia Roth's "A Miscarriage of Justice"
February 14 | 4pm
221 LeConte Hall
Spring Graduate Student Town Hall
February 13 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Black History Month Book Club: The Women’s Fight: The Civil War’s Battles for Home, Freedom, and Nation
February 11 | 8pm
102 LeConte Hall
Thavolia Glymph: "The Civil War: The Beauty and Blood of Cotton Come Home"
Thavolia Glymph, History Department (Duke University)
February 11 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
GRS Visiting Scholar Workshop: Antwain Hunter on black gun ownership
February 7 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
IWS Speaker Series with Jennifer Palmer: 'She persisted in her revolt': Slavery and Freedom in the French Caribbean
Jennifer L. Palmer (University of Georgia)
February 7 | 12:15pm
150 miller Learning Center
Exploring Digital Histories Panel
February 6 | 4pm
DIGILab at Main Library
Disability and the American Civil War
Sarah Handley-Cousins, History Department (University at Buffalo)
February 6 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Meet & Greet with Sarah Handley-Cousins
February 6 | 10am
201 LeConte Hall
"Below Baldwin", a documentary film screening
February 3 | 6:30pm
2nd floor, Rutherford Hall (program room)
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Bryant K. Barnes (University of Georgia)
January 31 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
History Graduate student meetup with visiting historian, Grace Hale
January 31 | 9am
201 Conference room, LeConte Hall
History Guest Lecture: Grace Hale (U Virginia)
Grace Elizabeth Hale, Corcoran department of History (University of Virginia)
January 30 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Guest speaker: Tom Denenberg, “Modernizing Shelburne Museum”
January 29 | 3:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why didn't the United States ever go metric?
Stephen Mihm (University of Georgia)
January 28 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 20 | 12am
The Looming War With Iran
Kevin Jones, History (University of Georgia)
January 15 | 5:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
History Guest Lecture
January 14 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Guest Lecture
January 9 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Guest Lecture
January 7 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Fall 2019 Graduate Commencement
December 13 | 2:30pm
Stegeman Coliseum
Fall 2019 Undergraduate Commencement
December 13 | 9:30am
Stegeman Coliseum
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Jordan Pickett, Classics (U Georgia)
December 6 | 3:30pm
Room TBA
ISL Tea Talk: Challenges Facing Immigrant Workers Around the World
Cindy Hahamovitch (University of Georgia)
November 21 | 3pm
Tate Center Intersection
Guest Lecture: Teaching Latinx Atlanta History
November 20 | 3:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Student Poster Conference: Race & Slavery in the Americas
November 19 | 2pm
277 Russell Special Collections Libraries
Faculty Book Release: Peter Hoffer's "The Search for Justice: Lawyers in the Civil Rights Revolution"
Peter Charles Hoffer (University of Georgia)
November 15 | 4pm
Sidney Samuel Thomas Reading Room, Zell B. Miller Learning Center (3rd floor)
Phi Alpha Theta Presents: How to Study Abroad for Free!
Elizabeth Goggin, History and Latin American and Caribbean Studies Major (University of Georgia)
November 14 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Middle East Film Series: Paradise Now
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
November 13 | 7pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Acid tests or activism — which was the better path to change?
Montgomery Wolf (University of Georgia)
November 12 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Sakura Christmas, History (Bowdoin College)
November 8 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
The 85th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association, Nov 7 - 10th, 2019
November 7 | 8am
November 8 | 8am
The Galt House Hotel, Louisville, KY
Guest Lecture: Rebecca Scott (U Michigan Law School)
Rebecca J. Scott, School of Law (University of Michigan)
November 7 | 12:30pm
Law School, Room G
The 85th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association, Nov 7 - 10th, 2019
November 7 | 8am
November 8 | 8am
The Galt House Hotel, Louisville, KY
Patricia Matthew: "'for dead weight': Sugar, Literature, and Anti-Slavery Material Culture"
November 5 | 4:30pm
265 Park Hall
DIGI Colloquium: Uncovering Newspaper History with Chronicling America
November 5 | 10am
Main Library, DigiLab (Rm 300)
History Graduate Student LTTM Competition
October 29 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lecture: Dr. Oumelbanine Zhiri
October 28 | 5pm
Gilbert Hall 118
History Grad Student Seminar with Dr. Tiya Miles
October 25 | 10am
201 Conference Room
Info Session: Public History Internship Summer Program in Washington DC
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
October 22 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Honor Society accepting New Membership Applications, 8:30am-1pm
October 22 | 8:30am
2nd floor, LeConte Hall
Sean Vanatta (UGA History alumni): Graduate Student discussion
Sean Vanatta, Gallatin School of Individualized Study (NYU)
October 18 | 3pm
320 LeConte Hall
Lunch & Learn: Money Apocalypse
October 18 | 12:30pm
277 Russell Special Collections Libraries
UGA at Oxford: Brexit Panel
October 17 | 4:30pm
Orkin Hall D007
Gender, Race, & Sexuality Reading Group
October 10 | 6:30pm
The Globe
Middle East Film Series: The Dupes
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
October 9 | 7pm
101 LeConte Hall
Public History/ Museum Studies Table at the Miller Learning Center Today, 10AM - 2PM!
October 9 | 2pm
Miller Learning Center, (2nd floor, across from Jittery Joe's)
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did the Haitian slave revolt become a revolution?
Jennifer L. Palmer (University of Georgia)
October 8 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
History of Capitalism Reading Group
October 4 | 3:30pm
The Globe
Historical Profiles of Incarceration
October 3 | 12am
October 4 | 12am
Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab, 300 Main Library (3rd floor)
PDW: Careers in Archives and Public History Talk
October 3 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Historical Profiles of Incarceration
October 3 | 12am
October 4 | 12am
Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab, 300 Main Library (3rd floor)
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Information Meeting
October 2 | 5pm
101 LeConte Hall
Faculty Book Talk: Michael Winship's "Hot Protestants: A History of Puritanism in England and America"
Michael P. Winship (University of Georgia)
September 27 | 4pm
Reading Room, Zell B. Miller Learning Center (3rd floor)
Middle East Film Series: The Battle of Algiers
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
September 25 | 7pm
101 LeConte Hall
Indigenous Languages Film Series
September 24 | 5:15pm
September 25 | 5:15pm
CinéAthens, 234 W. Hancock Ave, Athens, GA 30601
Indigenous Languages Film Series
September 24 | 5:15pm
September 25 | 5:15pm
CinéAthens, 234 W. Hancock Ave, Athens, GA 30601
Crusoe’s Absence: Sugar Economies and the Ingenuity of Realism
Barbara Fuchs, Romance Languages (University of California, Los Angeles)
September 23 | 5pm
Founders Memorial Garden, Ballroom, 425 S Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30605
Gender, Race, & Sexuality Reading Group
September 19 | 6:30pm
The Globe
Mary Ellen Curtin: Was It Justice? Convict Labor And The Practice Of Punishment In America
September 16 | 5:30pm
Richard B. Russell Jr. Special Collections Libraries Building 300 S Hull St, Athens, Georgia 30602
For History Students: Q & A pizza lunch with guest speaker Mary Ellen Curtin
Mary Ellen Curtin, History (American University)
September 16 | 12pm
277 Special Collections Library
Join us for a talk by Todd Shepard, Johns Hopkins University
Todd Shepard, History (Johns Hopkins University)
September 12 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Meetup with guest Todd Shepard
September 12 | 9am
201 Conference Room
Middle East Film Series: Nasser 56
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
September 11 | 7pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Were the Brazilian police always violent?
September 10 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
35th Annual UGA Study Away Fair, 11 AM - 4 PM
September 10 | 11am
Tate Student Center, Grand Hall 45 Baxter Street, Athens, GA 30605
Lecture: Dr. Hilary Green, The Hallowed Grounds Project
Hilary Green, Gender and Race Studies (University of Alabama)
September 9 | 4pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Loka Ashwood, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (Auburn University)
September 6 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
History of Capitalism Reading Group
August 30 | 3:30pm
The Globe
HGSA Town Hall
August 29 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
GMOA Faculty Perspectives: Dr. Akela Reason
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
August 27 | 2pm
Georgia Museum of Art University of Georgia 90 Carlton Street, Athens, GA
(Invitation only) New Graduate Student Reception
August 26 | 5:30pm
off campus
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why is Spain in danger of distintegrating?
Benjamin Ehlers (University of Georgia)
August 20 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Fall term Drop/Add Aug 14-20
August 14 | 12am
August 20 | 12am
U Georgia
Fall 2019 classes begin August 14; Drop/Add Aug 14-20
August 14 | 12am
August 20 | 12am
U Georgia
Fall term Drop/Add Aug 14-20
August 14 | 12am
August 20 | 12am
U Georgia
Fall 2019 classes begin August 14; Drop/Add Aug 14-20
August 14 | 12am
August 20 | 12am
U Georgia
Fall Classes Begin August 14
August 14 | 12am
University of Georgia, Fall 2019
You're Invited! History Summer Fellows Institute Final Presentations and Ceremony
July 26 | 3pm
DIGI Lab, UGA Main Library
Summer Fellows Institute presents: Diversity at UGA Panel
July 23 | 5pm
221 LeConte Hall
Workshop with Historian Tom Okie: "Life among the Ruins: History, Ecology, and the American South"
Tom Okie, History (Kennesaw State University)
July 16 | 1pm
221 LeConte Hall
Film screening and discussion: Mississippi Burning (1988)
John Inscoe (University of Georgia)
July 15 | 5pm
101 LeConte Hall
Reception to Celebrate the Peggy Heard Galis History PhD Apprenticeship at the UGA Press
June 17 | 5pm
3rd Floor Reading Room - Main Library, 320 S. Jackson St.
Spring 2019 Final Exams May 2-8, 2019
May 8 | 12am
University of Georgia
Spring 2019 History Class on-line evaluations April 19-May 1
April 19 | 12am
May 1 | 12am
"Below Baldwin" Documentary film screening
April 30 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
Calling All Dawgs | Georgia Giving Week | April 20-26, 2019
April 20 | 12am
April 26 | 12am
Lunch and Learn: Immigration Policy
April 22 | 12pm
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, Room 277 300 S Hull Street, Athens, GA 30605
Calling All Dawgs | Georgia Giving Week | April 20-26, 2019
April 20 | 12am
April 26 | 12am
Spring 2019 History Class on-line evaluations April 19-May 1
April 19 | 12am
May 1 | 12am
Heather Cox Richardson Lecture: Government Shutdowns & Partisan Risk
April 18 | 4pm
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, Auditorium 300 S Hull Street, Athens, GA 30605
History Grad Student Lunch with Heather Cox Richardson
Heather Cox Richardson, History (Boston College)
April 18 | 12pm
102 LeConte
Lunch & Learn: The Congressional Delegation and the Federal Emergencies Act
April 15 | 11am
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, Room 277 300 S Hull Street, Athens, GA 30605
Dirty History Workshop's Annual Guest Lecture: Jason Moore
April 12 | 3:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Jason Moore, Sociology (Binghamton University)
April 12 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
"Dissertation to Book Discussion"
Ehren Foley, Acquisitions Editor (University of South Carolina Press)
April 12 | 10am
201 Conference Room
Book tour guest lecture: David Silkenat
April 11 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
Global Georgia Initiative – "Moving Statues: A Conversation of the Global South" Apr. 10 at GMOA
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
April 10 | 6pm
M. Smith Griffith Auditorium of the Georgia Museum of Art
UGA Remembers
April 9 | 6pm
248 Zell Miller Learning Center
History of Capitalism Reading Group
April 5 | 3:30pm
The Globe
Locos will be hosting a percentage night to raise funds for the Adam Cramond Martin Travel Award
April 4 | 5pm
Locos Grill and Pub 1985 Barnett Shoals Rd, Athens, Georgia 30605
Graduate Student Book Sale
April 3 | 9am
LeConte Hall Plaza (outside)
LeConte forum
April 2 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Two Hour Master Class: How To Get Started in Podcasting
March 29 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why was a Revolutionary War fort missing for a century?
Jonathan Hepworth (University of Georgia)
March 26 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Guest Lecture: Mariana Ivanova
March 26 | 11am
205 Zell Miller Learning Center
MA Thesis Defense: Alec Kraynak
Alec Kraynak (University of Georgia)
March 25 | 2pm
201 Conference rm., LeConte Hall
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Terrell Orr (University of Georgia)
March 22 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Spring 2019 Withdrawal Deadline
March 21 | 12am
University of Georgia
Graduate Student Speaker Series
March 8 | 3pm
PDW: Historians and Social Media Workshop with Kate Dahlstrand
Katharine Dahlstrand (University of Georgia)
March 7 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Gender, Race, & Sexuality Reading Group Meeting
March 6 | 6pm
Birth and Risk in the Roman Empire
March 4 | 4:30pm
101 LeConte
Workshop on cognitive history
March 4 | 12:15pm
102 LeConte
2019 Michael L. Thurmond Black History Bowl Lecture & Celabration
March 2 | 2pm
First A.M.E. Church, 521 N. Hull Street, Athens, GA
Canceled: Dirty History with Brent Shaw
March 1 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Women's Studies Friday Speaker Series: Cassia Roth
March 1 | 12:15pm
250 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
The Federal Job Search: Graduate Student Workshop
February 28 | 5:30pm
275 Miller Learning Center
Graduate Student Workshop: Navigating the Job Market in the US and UK
February 27 | 10:30am
322 LeConte Hall
Franklin-Liverpool lecture: Dr. Christienna Fryar
February 26 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Black Histories at UGA: A Campus Tour
February 23 | 12pm
Meet in front of the main library, North Campus
Global Georgia Initiative/ Ferdinand Phinizy Lecture: Stephanie McCurry – “Reconstructing: A Georgia Woman’s Life Amidst the Ruins”
Stephanie McCurry, History (Columbia University)
February 22 | 5:30pm
Seney Stovall Chapel, 200 N. Milledge Ave, Athens, GA 30601
History Guest Lecture: “Traversing History in North America’s ’Souths’.”
February 21 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
HGSA Townhall
February 19 | 12:30pm
LeConte Hall 101
Black History Month Reading Club: Christienna Fryar
February 18 | 5pm
101 LeConte
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
February 15 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
History Guest Lecture: “Noel Carrière: A Revolutionary Tale from Colonial Louisiana.”
February 14 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: What did mosquitos do before Zika?
February 12 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Gender, Race, and Sexuality Reading Group meeting
February 6 | 6:30pm
The Globe
Black History Month Book Club: Ibram X. Kendi
February 6 | 5pm
101 LeConte
History at Work: Journalism
February 5 | 2pm
221 LeConte
History of Capitalism Reading Group
February 1 | 3am
The Globe
Graduate Student Speaker Series
James A. Owen (University of Georgia)
January 25 | 3pm
The Globe
Mock Job Talk:"“Settling Down for the Long Haul”: The Struggle for Freedom Rights in Southwest Georgia, 1945-1995”
James Bowers Wall (University of Georgia)
January 22 | 5pm
101 LeConte Hall
Athens MLK Day of Service
January 21 | 8:30am
kickoff: Cedar Shoals High School gymnasium, 1300 Cedar Shoals Drive
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
January 18 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Coffee and donuts for History graduate students
January 15 | 12am
January 15 | 11pm
Graduate Lounge
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why are there so many Confederate monuments?
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
January 15 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Spring 2019 Drop/Add is January 9-15, 2019
January 15 | 12am
University of Georgia
Coffee and donuts for History graduate students
January 15 | 12am
January 15 | 11pm
Graduate Lounge
Spring 2019 classes begin January 9, 2019
January 9 | 12am
University of Georgia
Congratulations on your retirement, Professor Whigham!
December 6 | 10:30am
2nd floor, LeConte Hall
Reading Day
December 5 | 12am
University of Georgia
"Seven Propositions on Slow Time," Dr. Jonathan Sachs, Concordia University
December 4 | 4:30pm
The Doug Hale Lecture Hall, Park 265
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
Alden Young, Africana Studies (Drexel University)
November 30 | 3:30pm
LeConte 320
Thanksgiving Break - No Classes
November 19 | 12am
University of Georgia
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
LaGuana Gray, History (University of Texas, San Antonio)
November 16 | 3:30pm
LeConte 320
Gender, Race, and Sexuality Reading Group Meeting
November 14 | 6pm
Lunchtime Time Machine: Was there a Shark Week before TV?
Steven Soper (University of Georgia), John Short (University of Georgia)
November 13 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Guest Lecture: Dr. Tamar Carroll
Tamar Carroll, Department of History (Rochester Institute of Technology)
November 9 | 3:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Armistice: 1918/2018
John Morrow, Jr. (University of Georgia), Alexander Nordlund (University of Georgia), Whitney Priest (University of Georgia)
John Morrow, Jr. (University of Georgia), Alexander Nordlund (University of Georgia), Whitney Priest (University of Georgia) Adam Parkes, English (U Georgia)
October 30 | 3:30pm
285 Special Collections Library
Fall break - no classes
October 26 | 12am
University of Georgia
Gender, Race, and Sexuality Reading Group Meeting
October 24 | 6pm
The Globe
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society General Meeting
October 23 | 5:30pm
Room 135 LeConte Hall
The First Annual Franklin College Study Away Fair!
October 23 | 12pm
Herty Field, UGA North Campus
DIGI Colloquium: Digital Workflow, Machine Learning, and Getting to Publication
Scott Reynolds Nelson (University of Georgia)
October 19 | 4pm
DIGI Lab, 3rd floor Main Library
8th Annual Gregory Distinguished Lecture: Andrea Wulf on 'The Invention of Nature'
October 18 | 4pm
the Chapel, North Campus
History of Capitalism Reading Group
October 12 | 3pm
The Globe
History at Work: Law School
October 10 | 5pm
101 LeConte
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why was communism so popular in Iraq?
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
October 9 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
HGSA Book Sale
October 4 | 9am
LeConte Hall/Library courtyard
Dr. Cassia Roth: "Specters of the Womb: Enslaved Women, Childbirth, and Pain in 19th Century Brazil"
October 4 | 5am
118 Gilbert Hall
History Graduate Student Book Sale
October 3 | 9am
LeConte Hall Plaza
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
September 28 | 3:30pm
LeConte 320
HGSA Graduate Student Coffee and Donuts
September 24 | 10:30am
Graduate Lounge
Student Speaker Series Event For Graduate Students
September 21 | 3:30pm
Gender, Race, and Sexuality Reading Group meeting
September 19 | 6pm
Cali N’ Tito’s (Lumpkin Street)
Constitution Day at UGA
September 17 | 1:30pm
UGA Chapel
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why did the Germans under Hitler remain Nazis to the bitter end?
September 11 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
DIGI Colloquium: The Digital Library of Georgia
September 7 | 4pm
3rd floor, Main Library
Retirement reception: Sharon Cabe
September 6 | 11am
201 conference rm.
History Faculty-Graduate Student Mixer
September 4 | 6:30pm
360 Stanton Way
Franklin Liverpool Graduate Fellow Serafina Nicolosi presents a history talk
September 4 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Holiday: Labor Day - No Classes
September 3 | 12am
University of Georgia
History of Capitalism Reading Group
August 31 | 3pm
The Globe (Downtown)
History Graduate Student Town Hall
August 28 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
DIGI Colloquium
August 24 | 4pm
3rd floor, Main Library
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
August 24 | 3:30pm
LeConte 320
Gender, Race, and Sexuality Reading Group First Meeting
August 15 | 6pm
LeConte Hall, Room 102
Required for new history TAs: GTA and GLA Orientation
August 9 | 8:30am
Biological Sciences Building
UGA Libraries Graduate Student Open House
August 8 | 2pm
Main Library on North Campus (humanities, arts, social sciences, business)
Graduate-Professional Student Association Welcome for new graduate students
August 8 | 11:30am
see description for locations
Required for new grad students: Graduate School Orientation & Information Fair
August 8 | 9am
The Classic Center Grand Hall, 300 N. Thomas Street (downtown Athens, GA)
Summer session II classes end
July 30 | 12am
UGA summer
Deadline: Thru session & Session II history on-line course evaluations July 21-29
July 29 | 12am
UGA summer
Summer Thru session classes end
July 27 | 12am
UGA summer
PhD Dissertation Defense: James Wall
July 20 | 9am
201 LeConte Hall
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense: Kurt Windisch
July 17 | 9:30am
201 conference room
Summer short session I classes end
June 29 | 12am
UGA summer
AthFest Music & Arts Festival
June 22 | 12am
Downtown Athens, GA
Panel Discussion: Queer Labor in the South
May 19 | 7:40pm
Morton Theatre, downtown Athens, GA
Organizing the South Today: Stories from UNITE-HERE
May 19 | 1:15pm
285 Richard B. Russell Library
SLSA Conference Dirty Work Film Festival
May 19 | 12am
281 UGA Russell Library
The Dirtiest Work of All: Manual Scavenging, a Caste-Based Occupation in India
May 18 | 1:30pm
285 Richard B. Russell Library
May session withdrawal deadline
May 18 | 12am
Building Unions at Southern Public Universities: A Roundtable Discussion
May 17 | 1:30pm
285 Richard B. Russell Library
Dirty Work: 2018 Southern Labor Studies Conference, May 17-19th
May 17 | 12am
Richard B. Russell Library, U Georgia
The Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation (ACHF) to present brown bag on Baldwin Hall
May 9 | 12pm
Lyndon House Arts Center, Athens, GA
Spring 2018 Graduate Student Commencement
May 4 | 9:30am
Stegeman Coliseum
Below Baldwin - a student documentary
May 1 | 7pm
Tate Theatre
History Pop-up Exhibit!
April 27 | 1pm
285 Russell Special Collections Building
History Faculty Meeting
April 24 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Service Day at Gospel Pilgrim
April 21 | 9am
Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery - Athens, GA
M.A. Thesis Defense: Isabel M. Mann
April 19 | 3:30pm
201 Conference rm.
Graduate Student Speaker Series
April 19 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
M.A. Defense: Paloma M. Carroll
April 17 | 2pm
201 Conference rm.
Lunchtime Time Machine: Who opened the U.S. - Mexican border?
April 17 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
M.A. Thesis Defense: Laura E. Nelson
April 17 | 10am
201 Conference Rm.
UGA NAACP Image Awards
April 12 | 7pm
Memorial Hall Ballroom
M.A. Thesis Defense: Zachary J. Allen
April 12 | 3:30pm
102 LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Lauren Titley
April 12 | 2pm
201 Conference rm.
HGSA Coffee and Donuts
April 12 | 12:30pm
Conference Room
Graduate student book sale
April 11 | 12am
April 12 | 12am
LeConte Hall Plaza (outside)
A panel and roundtable discussion: "Using Digitized Prison Data"
April 11 | 2pm
171 Miller Learning Center
Graduate student book sale
April 11 | 12am
April 12 | 12am
LeConte Hall Plaza (outside)
Structured Writing Group
April 10 | 12:30pm
LeConte 320
Prof. Barry Godfrey (U Liverpool): "The Future of the Digital Panopticon."
April 9 | 11:15am
DigiLab (3rd floor of Main Library)
"Barbarians and the Evasion of History": A talk by James Scott
April 6 | 4pm
Seney-Stovall Chapel, 200 North Milledge Avenue
Dirty History Paper Workshop (James Scott, Yale)
April 6 | 12:30pm
320 Leconte
Student Breakfast Q & A with Dr. Julian Zelizer
April 6 | 9am
Room 258, Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Graduate Student Appreciation Week April 2 - 6
April 6 | 12am
UGA Graduate Studies programs
Julian Zelizer lecture: Politics in the Age of Partisan Warfare
April 5 | 4pm
Rm. 271, Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
GSAW History Graduate Student Pizza Lunch
April 5 | 12pm
110 Graduate Lounge
The Cruel Optimism of the Digital Panorama: Atlantic Humanism and Its Pacific Other
April 2 | 4:30pm
The Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab, Main Library
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense: Andrew W. Fialka
April 2 | 9am
Main Library, Administrative Conference Room, 2nd Floor
History of Capitalism Reading Group: What are the real causes of racial wealth inequality?
March 30 | 3:30pm
323 LeConte Hall
Michele Bogart Lecture: Public Art and Process in New York City
March 29 | 5:30pm
Georgia Museum of Art, lecture hall
Guest lecture Tore Olsson: "Looking for Parallels and Intersections in US and Mexican History."
March 29 | 4pm
221 LeConte Hall
PDW: Entering the Academic Job Market
March 29 | 12:30pm
Leconte 320
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense: Katherine Brackett Fialka
March 28 | 9am
201 conference rm.
Lunchtime Time Machine: "Why did so many crossdressers fight in the American Civil War?"
March 27 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Paper Workshop (Katherine Stevens, Oglethorpe College )
March 23 | 3:30pm
320 Leconte
Georgia Workshop on Culture, Power and History: Andrea Ballestero
March 23 | 3:30pm
213 Zell B. Miller Student Learning Center
Lunchtime Time Machine: What did imaginary cities look like in the Middle Ages?
March 22 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
M.A. Thesis Defense: Emma Rountree
March 21 | 3pm
201 conference rm.
M.A. Thesis Defense: Gabriell Johnson-Cameron
March 21 | 11am
201 conference rm.
James Marten lecture: "Civil War Veterans and the Emergence of Modern America"
March 20 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Discussion: Thailand: Shifting Ground between the US and a Rising China
March 20 | 11:45am
Dean Rusk Hall, Larry Walker Room
Spring 2018 Withdrawal Deadline
March 19 | 12am
students can withdraw in Athena
CFP: “Children, Youth, and War Symposium,” at the University of Georgia
March 19 | 12am
Russell Special Collections Libraries
UGA Spring Break
March 12 | 12am
Michael L. Thurmond Lecture Series Presents: Derrick P. Alridge
March 3 | 1pm
Morton Theatre, downtown Athens, GA
Dirty History Paper Workshop: James Wall
March 2 | 3:30pm
321 LeConte Hall
History Graduate Program Accepted Student Days, March 1-2
March 1 | 12am
UGA North Campus
Structured Writing Group
February 27 | 12:30pm
LeConte 320
Dirty History Paper Workshop (Rohit De, Yale University)
February 23 | 3:30pm
320 Leconte
Phi Kappa Literary Society Debate: on Confederate Monuments
February 22 | 7pm
Phi Kappa Hall, North Campus
Black History Month guest lecture by Martha Jones, "Birthright Citizens: A History of Race and Rights in Antebellum America"
February 22 | 2pm
221 LeConte Hall
Black History Month Book Club II : "Birthright Citizens: A History of Race and Rights in Antebellum America"
February 20 | 12:30pm
230 LeConte Hall
History of Capitalism Reading Group
February 16 | 3:30pm
The Globe
Holmes-Hunter Lecture
February 15 | 2pm
UGA Chapel
Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop (PDW)
February 15 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Transcribe-a-thon: Freedmen's Bureau Papers
February 14 | 12pm
Main Library, Instruction Lab - 320 S Jackson Street, Athens, GA 30602
Book Release, Daniel Rood's "The Reinvention of Atlantic Slavery"
February 13 | 4pm
Demosthenian Hall, North Campus
Lunchtime Time Machine: What was medical racism?
February 13 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Graduate Student Speaker Series
February 9 | 3:30pm
The Globe
Guest speaker Adrienne Petty, "Beyond Famous Firsts: Black History Month, Populism and the American Protest Tradition"
February 8 | 2pm
221 LeConte Hall
Black History Month Book Club: "Standing Their Ground: Small Farmers in North Carolina since the Civil War"
February 6 | 12:30pm
230 LeConte Hall
HGSA Town Hall
February 1 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Modern East Asia Search Job Talk #4
January 30 | 5:05pm
Room 101
History Graduate student meet & greet w/ candidate
January 30 | 10:15am
conf room or faculty lounge
Dirty History Paper Workshop (Bill Winders, Georgia Tech)
January 26 | 3:30pm
320 Leconte
History Graduate student meet & greet w/ candidate
January 25 | 10:15pm
conf room or faculty lounge
Bryant Simon | Hamlet Fire: at Jimmy Carter Presidential Library
January 25 | 7pm
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, Atlanta, GA
Modern East Asia Search Job Talk #3
January 25 | 12:30pm
Room 101
Modern East Asia Search Job Talk #2
January 23 | 12:30pm
Room 101
History Graduate student meet & greet w/ candidate
January 23 | 10:15am
conf room or faculty lounge
History Graduate student meet & greet w/ candidate
January 19 | 9am
conf room
Dirty History Seminar for Faculty and Graduate Students
January 18 | 3:30pm
LeConte 320
Natasha Lightfoot (Columbia U, New York) history lecture
January 18 | 2pm
221 LeConte Hall
Modern East Asia Search Job Talk #1
January 18 | 12:30pm
Room 101
Lunchtime Time Machine: Is Habitat actually good for humanity?
January 16 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
HGSA Coffee and Donuts
January 9 | 12:30pm
Conference Room
Fall 2017 Commencement
December 15 | 12am
Fall 2017 Final Exams
December 7 | 12am
Reading Day
December 6 | 12am
Dirty History Paper Workshop (Gretchen Sneegas, UGA)
December 1 | 3:30pm
320 Leconte
History at Work: All About Internships!
November 30 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Friday Class taught on Tuesday
November 30 | 12am
Thanksgiving Holidays
November 20 | 12am
HGSA Student Speaker Series
November 17 | 3pm
The Globe, Downtown
Eating, Drinking, and Getting High in Brazil: The Regulation of Food and Drugs in Historical Context
November 16 | 3:30pm
Room 101 LeConte Hall
83rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association
November 9 | 12am
Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas
Georgia Writers Hall of Fame 2017 Awards Ceremony
November 6 | 10am
Auditorium (Room 271), Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Author Discussion Featuring James Cobb, Alfred Corn and Kevin Young
November 5 | 5pm
Auditorium (Room 271), Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Dirty History Paper Workshop (Scott Reynolds Nelson, UGA)
November 3 | 3:30pm
320 Leconte
The 2017-18 Franklin-Liverpool graduate lecture: Richard Smith
November 2 | 12:30pm
Room 101 LeConte Hall
History Graduate Student Coffee Hour
November 2 | 10am
200 LeConte Hall, the faculty lounge
The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum presents: Americans and the Nazi Threat: What Did Georgians Know?
November 1 | 7pm
The Temple, 1589 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
Halloween in the hisotry department
October 31 | 9am
104 and 110 LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Kathryn Veale
October 30 | 2pm
201 LeConte Hall
The U.S. in the First World War: Richard Shawn Faulkner – “Mud, Blood, and Dysentery: The Doughboy’s Life in Battle”
October 26 | 7pm
Special Collections Library Auditorium
Job App PDW
October 26 | 3:30pm
Conference Room
History at Work: What Do Public Historians Do and How to Become One
October 26 | 12:30pm
Rm. 101 LeConte Hall
The Gregory Distinguished Lecture: Craig Steven Wilder
October 24 | 5pm
UGA Chapel
Martin Luther, 500 Years Later: A Roundtable
October 24 | 4pm
Rm. 350 Miller Learning Center
Grad Student Writing Group
October 24 | 12:30pm
Leconte 320
Lecture open house in history student lounge
October 24 | 10am
104 undergrad study lounge, 110 for graduate students
Chad Williams: the wartime experience of African American soldiers in World War I
October 19 | 7pm
Special Collections Library Auditorium
Book Sale
October 19 | 9am
History Department
Book Sale
October 18 | 9am
History Department
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did a millionaire start the Russian Revolution?
October 17 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Info Session: Public History Summer Internship Program in Washington, DC
October 16 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History Paper Workshop (Laurie Green, University of Texas at Austin)
October 13 | 3:30pm
320 Leconte
UGA at Oxford Guest Lecture: Ian Archer
October 12 | 4:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
The Athens Historical Society presents "CSI Dixie: The View from the American South's County Coroner's Offices, 1800 - 1900"
October 8 | 3pm
Athens-Clarke County Library, 2025 Baxter Street
The U.S. in the First World War: Lynn Dumenil – “Modern American Women and World War I”
October 5 | 7pm
Special Collections Library Auditorium
HGSA PDW on Digital Humanities, ArcGIS, and History
Stephen Berry (University of Georgia), Andrew Fialka (University of Georgia)
October 5 | 12pm
Digi Lab, 3rd Floor of Main Library
Lunchtime Time Machine: Graduate Student Auditions
October 3 | 12:30pm
LeConte 101
History of Capitalism Reading Group
September 29 | 5:30pm
Hendershot's Coffee
September Meeting, The Rest of the Story Book Club
September 26 | 5:30pm
Room 258, Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
The German Election and Why it Matters: A Roundtable Discussion
September 26 | 4pm
Room 268, Zell Miller Learning Center
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why have Disney princesses always worn long dresses?
September 26 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Stephen Mihm: "A Nation of Counterfeiters"
September 21 | 5:30pm
Richard Russell Special Collections Building
Lyndon House Arts Center Brown Bag Lunch: Confederate Monuments: Context & Controversy
September 20 | 12pm
Lyndon House Arts Center Community Room, 211 Hoyt Street Athens, GA
HGSA Student Speaker Series
September 19 | 12:30pm
LeConte 320
Dirty History Paper Workshop (Marios Costambeys , University of Liverpool)
September 15 | 3:30pm
320 Leconte
You're Invited to, Spirited: Prohibition in America
September 7 | 5:30pm
Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Friends of Gospel Pilgrim Information Session: New UGA Student Service Organization
September 7 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Holiday: Labor Day
September 4 | 12am
UGA campus
Dirty History Paper Workshop (Brian Williams, UGA)
September 1 | 3:30pm
320 Leconte
HGSA Town Hall Meeting
August 29 | 12:30pm
LeConte 221
Service Day - Friends of Gospel Pilgrim
August 26 | 9am
Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery, Athens, GA
Fall 2017 classes begin Monday Aug. 14
August 14 | 12am
UGA campus
Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientation
August 8 | 8:30am
Miller Learning Center
Graduate School Orientation and Information Fair
August 7 | 9am
Athens Classic Center
DIRTY WORK: Call for proposals for the Southern Labor Studies Association's (usually) Biennial Meeting
August 1 | 12am
University of Georgia
Session II Final Exams
July 31 | 12am
LeConte Hall classrooms
Thru session Final Exams July 28 and July 31
July 28 | 12am
LeConte Hall classrooms
Session II student on-line history course evaluations June 26- Thursday, June29
July 26 | 12am
Rest of the Story Book Club Meeting
July 25 | 5:30pm
Rm. 258, Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Thru Session student on-line history course evaluations July 22-28
July 22 | 12am
PhD Dissertation Defense: Ashton G. Ellett
July 19 | 2pm
201 Conference Rm., LeConte Hall
Drew Swanson: the History of Southern Gold Mining
July 13 | 6pm
Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense: Derek Bentley
July 13 | 12pm
Rm. 112, Latin American & Caribbean Studies Institute, 290 S. Hull Street
4th of July Holiday
July 4 | 12am
UGA campus
Summer Session II classes begin
July 3 | 12am
UGA campus
Short session I Final Exams
June 30 | 12am
LeConte Hall classrooms
Summer Thru session classes begin June 5
June 5 | 12am
UGA campus
Summer Session I classes begin June 5
June 5 | 12am
UGA campus
May Final Exams
May 31 | 12am
Holiday: Memorial Day
May 29 | 12am
May Term On-line Course Evaluations
May 25 | 12am
May term Withdrawal deadline
May 17 | 12am
May term Drop/Add
May 10 | 12am
Undergraduate Commencement
May 5 | 7pm
Sanford Stadium
Annual Reception for Graduating Seniors in History
May 5 | 2pm
Sidney Samuel Thomas, Jr. Reading Room (3rd floor), Zell Miller Learning Center
Graduate Commencement
May 5 | 10am
Stegeman Coliseum
History Pop-Up at the Russell Special Collections Library
May 3 | 1pm
Russell Special Collections Library
Spring 2017 Final Exams
May 3 | 12am
UGA campus
Reading Day
April 27 | 12am
UGA campus
Movie Myth Bustin': U.S. and Memory of WWI
April 26 | 5pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Department and Graduate Student Annual Awards
April 24 | 5pm
Demosthenian Hall
PhD Dissertation Defense: Dan Du
April 20 | 11:30am
201 LeConte Hall
PhD Dissertation Defense: Leah Richier
April 20 | 9am
201 Conference Rm.
PhD Dissertation Defense: Alisha Cromwell
April 19 | 12:30pm
201 Conference room, LeConte Hall
The Lee Roy B. Giles Award Gallery Talk
April 19 | 12:30pm
Georgia Museum of Art, Firsdt floor Education Classroom
Guest speaker: Joseph Kelly, 2017 Franklin-Liverpool Graduate Research Fellow
April 18 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
M.A. Thesis Defense: Bryant Barnes
April 14 | 9:30am
201 Conference Rm.
History Graduate Student Book Sale, April 12-13
April 12 | 9am
LeConte Hall plaza (outside)
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did slaves survive the Civil War?
April 11 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Phi Alpha Theta, Epsilon Pi Annual Elections
April 10 | 5pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History: Ashley Roseberry, UGA
April 7 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition
April 6 | 7pm
Ciné, 234 W Hancock Ave., Athens
History Dept. Graduate Coordinator's Spring meeting
April 6 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Robert A. Pratt: "Witness to Freedom"
April 4 | 5:30pm
Ciné 234 W Hancock Ave, Athens
Graduate Student Appreciation Week, April 3-7
April 3 | 12am
Graduate Student Structured Writing Group
March 30 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
History at Work: Police work
March 29 | 4:30pm
101 LeConte
A Conversation about Slavery at UGA and the Baldwin Site Burials
March 25 | 2pm
Auditorium, Russell Special Collections Library
Phi Alpha Theta presents: Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery Service Day
March 25 | 9am
Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery, 530 Fourth St., Athens, GA
Gender Workshop- Kristina Campell
March 24 | 2pm
LeConte 221
Book Discussion: "Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty"
March 23 | 4pm
Auditorium, Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
PDW: Plan, Prepare, React
March 23 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Athens Illuminated: James Owen (UGA)
March 22 | 12:15pm
221 LeConte Hall
Phi Alpha Theta's annual spring dinner lecture: presenting Steven Soper
March 21 | 6pm
The Cobb House, Athens, GA
Lunchtime Time Machine: What was the best brewery in Savannah in 1735?
March 14 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Dirty History: Gabriel Rosenberg, Duke U
March 13 | 3:30pm
201 Conference room, LeConte Hall
UGA Spring Break
March 6 | 12am
UGA campus
Graduate Student Structured Writing Group
February 28 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Burgers in the Age of Black Capitalism: How Civil Rights and Fast Food Changed America after 1968
February 23 | 5pm
101 LeConte Hall
Dirty History: Marcia Chatelain, Georgetown U
February 23 | 12:30pm
102 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Speaker Series
February 21 | 12:30pm
LeConte 320
Athens Walking History Tour
February 18 | 1pm
meet at the Arch, downtown Athens, GA
History and Gender Workshop
February 16 | 12:30pm
102 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: How is the jellyfish the allegorical figure of global capitalism?
February 14 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
From Attica to Ferguson: Race and the Criminal Justice System
February 13 | 4:30pm
Russell Special Collections Building, Auditorium (Room 271)
Black History at UGA Panel Discussion
February 9 | 6:30pm
214 Zell Miller Learning Center
Black History Month Book Club: Heather Thompson, U Michigan
February 9 | 4:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
PDW - Conflict De-escalation Training
February 9 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Phi Alpha Theta, National History Honor Society
February 8 | 11am
2nd floor, LeConte Hall
History at Work: Grant development and public school administration
February 2 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why did punks hate hippies?
January 24 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
How Brazil's Biofuel Program Made a Meal of Rural Workers
January 20 | 3:30pm
320 LeConte
Athens Illuminated, a Phi Alpha Theta history series: UGA, Athens, and Native Americans
January 18 | 12:15pm
221 LeConte Hall
Spring 2017 classes begin
January 5 | 12am
Transfer Student Welcome Day
January 4 | 8:30am
126, 211 LeConte Hall
New Year Holiday
January 2 | 12am
UGA campus
December 7 | 12pm
Rooms 258 and 268, UGA Special Collections Library
Lunchtime Time Machine: How do you counterfeit money (in nineteenth-century America)?
December 6 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Discussion: The Legacy of Fidel Castro
December 5 | 2pm
213 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
The 2016 Election in Historical Perspective: A Panel Discussion
November 28 | 2:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Book Presentation /Lecture: Intimate Bonds: Family and Slavery in the French Atlantic
November 10 | 4pm
137 Tate Student Center
Lecture: Taking the Courts to the Fields: Native Jurisdiction, Judicial Violence, and Agrarian Conflict in Colonial Oaxaca
November 10 | 2:45pm
137 Tate Student Center
Symposium/Conference: Research and Evidence: Cities in the Global South
November 10 | 10am
Tate Student Center Rooms 137, 138 and 143
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why do Brazilian politicians shoot each other so often?
November 8 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Cervantes and his Mediterranean Contexts: A Roundtable on Religious Identity and Cultural Encounters
November 2 | 3:30pm
116 Gilbert Hall
Conference: The Southern 2016
November 2 | 12am
TradeWinds Resort, St. Pete Beach, Florida
Public History program in Washington DC Information session
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
November 1 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Graduate student seminar with special guests Don Doyle and Marjorie Spruill
October 28 | 9am
201 LeConte Hall conference rm.
Gregory Distinguished Lecture: Don H. Doyle
October 27 | 4pm
The Chapel, 109 Herty Field
Jim Grossman, American Historical Association: "Preparing Historians for the Future Instead of the Past”
October 27 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Faculty New Book Release and Reception: Jennifer Palmer
Jennifer L. Palmer (University of Georgia)
October 25 | 4pm
The Willson Center, 1260 Lumpkin St.
Phi Alpha Theta lecture series: Athens Illuminated with Dr. Stephen Berry
October 25 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
History at Work: Library science
October 24 | 4:30pm
101 LeConte
PDW with Dr. Nelson
Scott Reynolds Nelson (University of Georgia)
October 20 | 12:30pm
LeConte Hall Room 320
Award-winning author and Southern historian James C. Cobb presents “From Truman to Trump: The South and America since World War II”
October 18 | 7pm
Marshall University, Brad D. Smith Foundation Hall
Grad student audition edition of Lunchtime Time Machine
October 18 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Slavery and the University of Georgia
October 16 | 3pm
Russell Special Collections Library Auditorium
History graduate student public history meeting
October 14 | 1:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did Roman toilets work?
October 11 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Phi Alpha Theta, Epsilon Pi Induction Ceremony & Meeting
October 6 | 5pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Grad Student Book Sale
October 6 | 12am
LeConte Plaza
History Grad Student Association Book Sale
October 5 | 12am
LeConte Plaza
Dianne Harris: “Framing Los Angeles, 1960: Case Study House #22 and the Architecture of Whiteness”
September 22 | 3:30pm
350 MIller Learning Center
History at Work: Grad school in history
September 22 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
PDW with Dr. Hahamovitch
Cindy Hahamovitch (University of Georgia)
September 15 | 12:30pm
LeConte Hall 320
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why did everybody expect the Spanish Inquisition?
September 6 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Guest lecture: James F. Brooks (U California - Santa Barbara)
September 2 | 3:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Guest speaker: Adam Rothman (Georgetown University)
April 28 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Christina Davis
April 28 | 11am
201 LeConte Hall
PhD Dissertation Defense: Laura J. Davis
April 27 | 10am
Conference rm., LeConte Hall
History Symposium at Georgia Archives
April 23 | 12am
Georgia Archives, 5800 Jonesboro RD Morrow, GA 30260
Guest speaker: Colin Calloway (Dartmouth College)
April 21 | 4pm
150 Zell Miller Learning Center
Guest Lecture: Tammy Ingram
April 21 | 4pm
271 Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Faculty meeting
April 19 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
“‘Things Other than Babies and the Kitchen’: Dutch Domesticity and U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Early Cold War”
April 15 | 2:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
Phi Alpha Theta Spring Initiation
April 14 | 6pm
101 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Speaker Series
April 12 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
History at Work: Humanities majors in medical school
April 12 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Capitalism & Identity Lecture/Seminar series: Ernest Basso
April 7 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
HGSA Coffee and Doughnuts
April 6 | 12:30pm
Room 102
PhD Dissertation Defense: Kevin W. Young
April 6 | 10am
201 Conference Rm.
Lunchtime Time Machine: What did the spirits say about Cuba’s future?
April 5 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte
Women’s Studies Friday Speaker Series Lecture: Husseina Dinani (History & Institute for African Studies)
April 1 | 12:20pm
248 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
#Throwback Therapies: History of Medical Science Series Lecture
March 30 | 2pm
250 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Graduate Coordinator's meeting
March 29 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
PhD Dissertation Defense: David Thomson
March 28 | 10am
201 LeConte Hall, conference rm.
Global Georgia Initiative: Paul Sutter
March 24 | 5pm
Ciné, 234 W. Hancock Avenue, Athens, GA
Phi Alpha Theta's writing workshop with Dr. Steve Soper
March 24 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Professional Development Workshop (PDW): Writing Edition
March 24 | 12:30pm
LeConte 102
Louise McBee Lecture
March 24 | 11am
UGA Chapel, North campus
Digital Humanities Faculty Reception
March 23 | 5:30pm
Willson Center DigiLab (3rd floor, Main Library)
Guest speaker Sophie Jones, 2016 Franklin-Liverpool Graduate Research Fellow
March 23 | 12:20pm
101 LeConte Hall
Graduate student speaker series (SSS)
March 22 | 12:30pm
Rm. 320 LeConte Hall
Donald L. Hollowell Lecture: Tomiko Brown-Nagin
March 17 | 7pm
Fine Arts Building
Phi Alpha Theta meeting
March 17 | 5pm
104 LeConte Hall (undergraduate lounge)
Phi Alpha Theta, Epsilon Pi meeting
March 17 | 5pm
Rm. 104 Undergraduate lounge, LeConte Hall
History at Work: Federal Careers
March 17 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
History honor society accepting membership applications
March 16 | 10am
2nd floor hall, LeConte
HGSA Book Sale
March 16 | 12am
Behind Leconte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did Hitler's atomic bomb ignite the Cold War?
March 15 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte
Spring Break
March 7 | 12am
Graduate program open house
March 3 | 12am
LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Are women citizens or mothers of the nation in Africa?
March 1 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte
Global Georgia Initiative: Pulitzer Finalist Sven Beckert
February 25 | 4pm
UGA Chapel, North campus
#Throwback Therapies lecture: Ralph Tripp
February 24 | 2pm
250 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Guest Lecture: "The Storied South: Voices of Writers and Artists"
February 18 | 4pm
Georgia Museum of Art
Phi Alpha Theta, History honor society: Dinner lecture event tickets available
February 17 | 10am
2nd floor, LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why did Americans visit cemeteries for fun?
February 16 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte
faculty search presentation
February 11 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Guest Lecturer Daleah Goodwin: "True Liberty: The Educational Philosophies of Black Women Reformers"
February 5 | 12:20pm
248 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Lecture: Patricia Bell-Scott
February 4 | 5:30pm
285 Richard B. Russell Building
History at Work: The Humanistic Side of Management
February 4 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
Summer Program in Public History: Information Session
February 3 | 2:30pm
221 LeConte
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did Iraqi poets spark a revolution?
January 26 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte
Information Session: Summer Public History Program in Washington, DC
January 19 | 12:30pm
LeConte 101
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
January 18 | 12am
University of Georgia
American Historical Association 2016 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA)
January 8 | 12am
Hilton Atlanta
New Year's holiday
January 1 | 12am
UGA campus
UGA fall commencement
December 18 | 12am
Stegeman Coliseum
Deadline for graduate applications
December 15 | 12am
Department of History
Final Exams
December 10 | 12am
UGA campus
Reading Day - need a place to study?
December 9 | 12am
UGA campus
Fall classes end*
December 8 | 12am
UGA campus
Screening for Georgia Workshop on Culture, Power and History
December 4 | 3pm
207 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Phi Alpha Theta Trivia Night
December 2 | 8pm
Mellow Mushroom, downtown Athens, GA
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why did a conservative housewife, an accountant, and the 1964 Republican presidential nominee go green?
December 1 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
PhD Dissertation Defense: Jun Suk Hyun
November 30 | 12pm
201 Conference Room
Thanksgiving break
November 23 | 12am
UGA campus
Workshop: It’s Not Your Father’s Library
November 19 | 2pm
368 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Student Speaker Series: MA Student Kiersten Rom
November 17 | 12:30pm
Leconte 320
Southern Historical Association: 81st Annual Meeting
November 13 | 12am
Little Rock Marriott, Little Rock, Arkansas
History Dept. Faculty Meeting
November 12 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
A Film of the French Revolution: Danton
November 10 | 7pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why do historians fudge?
November 10 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte
POSTPONED: Stories of Oconee Hill Cemetery
November 9 | 11:30am
Oconee Hills Cemetery, UGA campus
Regent: A Short History of British Abolitionism
November 5 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Professional Development Workshop: Conference Edition
November 3 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
#Throwback Therapies: History of Medical Science Series Lecture: Vivian Nutton
November 2 | 2pm
250 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Fall break
October 30 | 12am
UGA campus
PhD Dissertation Defense: Katherine Rohrer
October 28 | 12pm
200 LeConte Hall, Conference Rm.
Historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. to deliver 2015 Peabody-Smithgall Lecture
October 26 | 3pm
Morton Theatre, downtown Athens, GA
University Lecture: Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt
October 22 | 3:30pm
the Chapel, North campus
Christopher Hager: “The Civil War Letter as Medium and Genre”
October 21 | 4pm
Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries; Hargrett Special Collections Library, 2nd floor
"Frankenstein" film screening: special guest: Steve Soper
October 20 | 5pm
221 LeConte Hall
Gregory Distinguished Lecture: Martha Hodes
October 15 | 4pm
The Chapel, UGA North Campus
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did ancient love spells work?
October 13 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte
Created Equal Film Series Screening: "The Loving Story"
October 10 | 2pm
Athens Clarke Co. Library, 2025 Baxter St.
"From European Witches to Afro-Caribbean Obeah Men: Gender and Supernatural Crimes in the Atlantic World"
October 9 | 2pm
101 LeConte Hall
Stephen Berry: "CSI Dixie: Medical Science and Death Investigation in the 19th Century South"
October 7 | 2pm
250 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
History graduate student book sale
October 7 | 12am
UGA North campus, outside LeConte Hall
Guest Speaker John Parker : “What’s a History Degree Good for Anyway?”
September 29 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Professional Development Workshop: Time Management and Work-Life Balance
Katharine Dahlstrand (University of Georgia), Kurt Windisch (University of Georgia), Katherine Fialka (University of Georgia)
September 24 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
Historian Catherine Clinton: "The Assassination of Mary Lincoln"
September 23 | 3:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Speaker Series: Liz Busquets
September 22 | 12:30pm
320 LeConte Hall
History at Work Speaker Series: Non-profits and social activism
September 17 | 5pm
101 LeConte Hall
History Honor Society Information Meeting
September 16 | 5pm
101 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Did Europeans ever stop “going medieval” on each other?
September 15 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte
Holiday: Labor Day
September 7 | 12am
Crafting Cultural Commodities in a Global Age: Market Regulation, Empire, and the Struggle to Defend “French” Wine in the Early Twentieth Century
August 28 | 2pm
101 LeConte Hall
Graduate Student Grant Writing Workshop
August 27 | 12:30pm
LeConte 320
Meeting for NEW graduate students in history
August 17 | 8am
Rm. 320 LeConte Hall
Fall semester 2015 Classes begin
August 17 | 12am
Teaching Assistant Orientation
August 13 | 7:30am
Rm. 101, Zell Miller Learning Center
Graduate School Orientation & Information Fair
August 12 | 9am
Grand Hall, The Classic Center (downtown Athens, GA)
Summer Session II Final Exams
July 30 | 12am
Summer Thru Session Final Exams
July 29 | 12am
Summer Session II classes begin
July 2 | 12am
Summer Session I Final Exams
July 1 | 12am
Master's Thesis Defense: Laura Briscoe
June 18 | 10am
200 LeConte Hall (Faculty lounge)
The Magna Carta at 800
June 15 | 9:30am
Room 277, Richard B. Russell Special Collections
Global Capitalism and Global South Graduate Student Conference
May 15 | 9am
Reading Room, MLC
Opening Reception: Global Capitalism and the Global South Graduate Student Conference
May 14 | 6pm
North Tower of the MLC
History of Capitalism Reading Group: Das Kapital, Part VII
May 9 | 7:30pm
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Edward Larson to present UGA Charter Lecture
April 23 | 11am
UGA Chapel
HGSA Book Sale
April 22 | 12am
April 23 | 12am
LeConte Hall (outside plaza)
Master's Thesis Defense: Ruth Davis
April 22 | 1:30pm
201 LeConte Hall
HGSA Book Sale
April 22 | 12am
April 23 | 12am
LeConte Hall (outside plaza)
Master's Thesis Defense: Brandon Munda
April 21 | 12:30pm
201 LeConte Hall
Jason Manthorne Memorial Award Reception
April 17 | 2:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
Digi@uga Day
April 17 | 2pm
Digital Humanities Lab, 3rd floor, UGA Main Library
PhD Comprehensive Examination: T. Luke Manget
April 17 | 9am
201 LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: How did medieval Chinese invent shopping for fun?
Ari Daniel Levine (University of Georgia)
April 14 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Samuel McGuire
April 14 | 9am
201 LeConte Hall
Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Kylie Hulbert
April 13 | 11am
201 LeConte Hall
UGA Graduate School to hold Three Minute Thesis competition
April 8 | 6pm
UGA Chapel
Master's Thesis Defense: Kenneth Roundy
April 8 | 11am
201 LeConte Hall
History Faculty Meeting
April 7 | 12:30pm
221 LeConte Hall
Applying To Graduate School in History/How To Choose a Graduate School
April 7 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
History of Capitalism Reading Group: Das Kapital, Part VI
April 4 | 12:30pm
Room 320, LeConte Hall
Visiting lecturer Peter Wood: “Did you ever hear ‘bout de Andersonville prison in Georgia?”
April 3 | 2:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Food, Place, and Power Workshop: Heather Paxson
April 3 | 11am
Civil Rights Historian Tomiko Brown-Nagin: "‘The Civil Rights Queen': Constance Baker Motley and the Struggle for Racial and Gender Equality in America."
April 2 | 7pm
The historic Morton Theatre, downtown Athens, GA
Douglas A. Blackmon, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II"
April 2 | 4pm
Dean Rusk Hall
Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Kathleen Nehls
April 2 | 2pm
201 Conference Rm.
History of Capitalism Reading Group: Das Kapital, Part V
April 2 | 12:30pm
Room 102, LeConte Hall
"Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History: Georgia Women Shape the 20th Century" presented by Kathleen Clark, History
March 27 | 12:20pm
Rm.148 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Food Chains Film Screening (Latin American Sustainable Agriculture Initiative)
March 26 | 6pm
Miller Learning Center (MLC) 250
Workshop with Sarah Milov, "Tobacco Leaf as Fig Leaf"
March 26 | 12:30pm
Room 320, LeConte Hall
Women’s History Month Keynote Address
March 24 | 6:30pm
148 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Lunchtime Time Machine: Why did a New York mob go after an opera singer?
Daniel Rood (University of Georgia)
March 24 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Ferdinand Phinizy Lecture: James Cobb
James C. Cobb (University of Georgia)
March 20 | 11:30am
The Chapel, University of Georgia
Master's Thesis Defense: Ashley Allred
March 17 | 3:30pm
201 LeConte Hall
Henry Cowles — The Gilded Age of Mind and Brain
March 5 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
History of Capitalism Reading Group: Das Kapital, Part III
March 5 | 12:30pm
102 LeConte Hall
Let's All Go to the Movies: The Patriot
February 12 | 6:30pm
LeConte Hall 221
History of Capitalism Reading Group: Das Kapital, Part II
February 12 | 12:30pm
Room 102, LeConte Hall
Lunchtime Time Machine: Who won the Cold War?
February 10 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Jonathan Levy — Corporate Personality Revisited
February 5 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte
CAPFEST: Last Train Home, 2009
January 29 | 7pm
History of Capitalism Reading Group: Das Kapital, Part I
January 27 | 12:30pm
Room 102, LeConte Hall
CAPFEST: The Organizer, 1963
January 22 | 7pm
Lunchtime Time Machine: What was it like for Civil War soldiers to get shot in the junk?
Stephen Berry (University of Georgia)
January 20 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
CAPFEST: Modern Times, 1936
January 15 | 7pm
Food Chains (documentary film) at CINÉ
January 14 | 7pm
CINÉ, 234 West Hancock Avenue
CAPFEST: Bread and Roses, 2000
January 8 | 7pm
Final Exams
December 11 | 12am
Various Locations: Check your schedule
Reading Day
December 10 | 12am
Preparation for examinations
Last day of Fall Classes**
December 9 | 12am
**Note: For the Fall Semester 2014, the University will operate a Friday class schedule on Tuesday, Dec. 9.
Bart Elmore – “Citizen Coke”
December 4 | 4pm
221 LeConte Hall
Guest Lecture: Ari Kelman
December 3 | 3:30pm
The University Chapel, North Campus
"Been in the Storm So Long: Remembering 1864 and 1964 in 2014"
November 15 | 8pm
Margaret Mitchell House, 990 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta
Lecture: "Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History: Georgia Women Shape the 20th Century"
November 11 | 3pm
271 (auditorium) Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Lunchtime Time Machine: "Why did medieval monks draw so many obscene cartoons?"
Jamie Kreiner (University of Georgia)
November 11 | 12:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Harvard Stanford UGA Capitalism Workshop
October 31 | 3:05pm
Le Conte Hall, Room 221
Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Kevin Krause
October 31 | 11am
102 LeConte Hall
Fall Break
October 31 | 12am
No classes. UGA offices are open.
Phi Alpha Theta, History Honor Society Film: "Dracula"
October 28 | 6:30pm
101 LeConte Hall
Richard B. Russell 40th Anniversary Symposium: Panel Discussions
October 28 | 8:30am
271 (auditorium) Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Richard B. Russell 40th Anniversary Symposium: Richard Baker, US Senate Historian Emeritus
October 27 | 6pm
271 (auditorium) Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
2014 Gregory Distinguished Lecture: Eric Foner
October 27 | 4pm
M. Smith Griffith Auditorium at the Georgia Museum of Art
UGA Geography Colloquium: April Merleaux
October 24 | 3:15pm