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Past Events

UGA Special Collections Libraries, 300 South Hull Street
101 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
Tate Theatre, Tate Center
221 LeConte Hall
Morton Theatre 195 West Washington Street Athens, GA, 30601
Via Zoom
221 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
University of Georgia
101 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
The deadline for paper proposals is January 6, 2025.
University of Georgia
U Georgia
UGA campus
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Final Exam schedule:
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Final Exam schedule:
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Final Exam schedule:
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Final Exam schedule:
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Final Exam schedule:
Andrew Craig (University of Georgia)
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
University of Georgia
Karyna Hlyvynska (University of Georgia)
Location TBA
University of Georgia
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
314 Miller Learning Center, North Tower Room
Nathanael Mickelson (University of Georgia)
Morton Theatre (Downtown Athens)
201 Conference Room
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Sean Vanatta, School of Social & Political Sciences (University of Glasgow)
148 Zell Miller Learning Center
Dr. Amanda Wunder, Global Early Modern Studies (The City University of New York)
101 LeConte Hall
James F. Brooks (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Grace Ballor, Department of Social and Political Science (Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)
Pinnacle Room (480), Baldwin Hall
U Georgia
101 LeConte Hall
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Courtney McInvale, (Author)
101 LeConte Hall
Robert Cohen, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development (New York University)
148 Zell Miller Learning Center
102 LeConte Hall
Dr. James Hill "Trae" Welborn III, History (Georgia College and State University)
101 LeConte Hall
Libia Jiménez Chávez (University of Georgia)
201 Conference Room
Jason De León, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (UCLA Social Sciences Division)
248 Zell Miller Learning Center
101 LeConte Hall
201 Conference Room
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. DeLisa Hawkes, Africana Studies (University of Tennessee - Knoxville)
221 LeConte Hall
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Dr. Ian Archer, Keble College (Oxford University, U.K.)
221 LeConte Hall
Athentic Brewing, 108 Park Avenue, Athens, GA 30601
Ari Daniel Levine (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Katherine A. Brading, Philosophy (Duke University)
Devin Jerome (University of Georgia)
201 Conference Room
101 LeConte Hall
The Classic Center, downtown Athens, GA
Dr. James Grossman, (American Historical Association)
101 LeConte Hall
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Reinaldo L. Román (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
111 Graduate Reading Room, LeConte Hall
UGA Special Collections Library, 300 South Hull Street
off-campus (by invitation)
Summer exam schedule
- exam schedule -information/calendars/academic-calendars/
201 LeConte Hall
Jonathan Hepworth (University of Georgia)
201 LeConte Hall
UGA summer schedule
Summer Final Exams
Bill Kelson (University of Georgia)
Via Zoom
Robert Shaw Bridges (University of Georgia)
201 Conference Room
UGA summer schedule
UGA summer schedule
285 UGA Special Collections Library, 300 S. Hull St., Athens
Historic Athens, Fire Hall No. 2, Prince Avenue
Special Collections 2nd Floor Galleries, Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
101 LeConte Hall
Theodora Light (University of Georgia)
201 LeConte Hall
Dr. Christopher Craig, Research and Development Unit of the Center for Integrated Japanese Studies (Tohoku University (Japan))
Via Zoom
Kendall Lovely, History (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Via Zoom (4:00 - 5:30 PM)
Austin Coke (University of Georgia)
201 LeConte Hall
Benjamin Roy (University of Georgia)
201 Conference Room
104 Undergraduate Lounge, LeConte Hall
Lauren Elyse Elyaman (University of Georgia)
201 LeConte Hall
320 LeConte Hall
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Patrick Sheridan (University of Georgia)
201 LeConte Hall
200 LeConte Hall, 11:30am -1:00pm
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Maya Brooks (University of Georgia)
320 LeConte Hall
Dr. Stan Deaton, Senior Historian and The Dr. Elaine B. Andrews Distinguished Historian (Georgia Historical Society)
101 LeConte Hall
Give any amount, all day!
Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, GA
Blair LM Kelley, American Studies (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Dogwood Hall, Georgia Center for Continuing Education
Garden Club of Georgia Terrace Room, State Botanical Garden of Georgia, 2450 S Milledge Ave, Athens, GA 30605
Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, GA
Dr. Ji Li, School of Modern Languages and Cultures (China Studies), and Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HKIHSS) (University of Hong Kong)
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Todd Little-Siebold, History (College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine)
101 LeConte Hall
261 Park Hall
canceled for today
201 Conference Room
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
UGA North Campus
UGA North Campus
Dr. Marvin T. Chiles, History (Old Dominion University)
101 LeConte Hall
321 LeConte Hall; 3:55-5:10 PM.
Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, History (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Stephanie Y. Evans, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Africana Studies (Georgia State University)
204 Caldwell Hall
Dr. Stephanie Evans, (Georgia State University)
Adinkra Hall, 4th Floor Memorial Hall
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Alaina E. Roberts, History (University of Pittsburgh)
101 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
200 conference room
Scott Reynolds Nelson (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
University of Georgia
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Stegeman Coliseum
Stegeman Coliseum
Athenaeum, 287 W. Broad St., Athens, GA
Roberto Arguedas (University of Georgia)
Virtual, via Zoom
201 LeConte Hall
Puma Yu’s, 355 Oneta St. Suite D, 400 A, Athens, GA 30601
Ariana Persico (University of Georgia)
201 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
The Chapel, 109 Herty Drive
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Holly Guise, History Department (University of New Mexico)
Virtual, via Zoom (registration required)
320 LeConte Hall
New College, Lawn: Three hours prior to kickoff
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
Lamar Dodd School of Art, N100
Dr. Allen Wells, History (Bowdoin College)
101 LeConte Hall
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
150 Zell Miller Learning Center
101 LeConte Hall
Online Via Handshake: Registration required
201 Conference Room
Tate Grand Hall, Tate Student Center
James F. Brooks (University of Georgia)
Lyndon House Arts Center, 211 Hoyt Street, Athens, GA 30601
Dr. Christina Snyder, History Department, (The Pennsylvania State University)
221 LeConte Hall
320 LeConte Hall
Dr. Justene Hill Edwards, Corcoran Department of History (University of Virginia)
101 LeConte Hall
265 Park Hall
Bryant K. Barnes (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Pat Breen, History and Classics (Providence College.)
201 Conference Room
LeConte Hall Plaza
101 LeConte Hall
LeConte Hall Plaza
101 LeConte Hall
320 LeConte Hall
Dr. Kris Lane, History (Tulane University)
145 Brooks Hall
314 North Tower, 3rd Floor, Zell Miller Learning Center
James F. Brooks (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Virtual Event
Dr. Sarah Case, Editor (The Public Historian)
221 LeConte Hall
Dr. Sarah Case, The Public Historian (University of California, Santa Barbara)
102 LeConte Hall
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Michael P. Winship (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
320 LeConte Hall
the Classic Center, Athena Ballroom (Downtown Athens, GA)
Robert Carpenter (University of Georgia)
Dr. Federico Tulio Sartori, Colegio Nacional de Monserrat (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
102 LeConte Hall
201 LeConte Hall, Conference Room
Whitney Priest (University of Georgia)
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
3rd Floor, Sidney Samuel Thomas Reading Room, Miller Learning Center
Beatrice Burton (University of Georgia)
201 LeConte Hall
Dr. Andrew Denson, History Department (Western Carolina University)
265 Park Hall
Dr. Chris Suh, History (Emory University)
101 LeConte Hall
Hiromi Mizuno, History (University of Minnesota)
320 LeConte Hall
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
Georgia Museum of Art
Brandi Raines,
101 LeConte Hall
Christine Combs (University of Georgia)
University of Georgia
Dr. Victor Seow, History of Science (Harvard University)
Dr. Andreas Etges, American History, Culture, and Society (University of Munich)
221 LeConte Hall
Sachen Pillay (University of Georgia)
Masters Hall, Georgia Center
201 Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Meet in front of Main Library. Registration required
Dr. La Shonda Mims, History Department (Middle Tennessee State University)
LeConte 101
200 Faculty Lounge
Brandi Raines,
101 LeConte Hall
North Tower Room, Zell Miller Learning Center (3rd floor)
Jo Guldi, History (Southern Methodist University)
145 Brooks Hall
2nd floor information table, LeConte Hall
Meg Weeks, History (Harvard University)
Virtual, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (EST)
Old Fire Hall #2: 489 Prince Ave., Athens, GA 30601
University of Georgia Chapel
Dr. Pat Scannon, (Project Recover)
271 Russell Special Collections Libraries Auditorium
Robert Ferguson (University of Georgia)
320 LeConte Hall
Dr. Robert Luckett, History and Philosophy (Jackson State University)
101 LeConte Hall
2nd floor information table, LeConte Hall
Theodora Light (University of Georgia)
A virtual event by CGCAS
Room 200, conference room
Dr. Shennette Garrett-Scott, History (College of Liberal Arts at Texas A&M University )
101 LeConte Hall
Timothy Cleaveland (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
271 UGA Special Collections Libraries
Ciné, 234 West Hancock Avenue
Jeremy Zallen, History (Lafayette College)
320 LeConte Hall
Whitney Priest (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
320 LeConte Hall
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
321 LeConte Hall, 12:40 - 1:30 PM.
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
Stegeman Coliseum: Undergraduate - 9:30 AM, Graduate - 2:30 PM
Robert Shaw Bridges (University of Georgia)
320 LeConte Hall
Special Collections Library Auditorium, Room 271
101 LeConte Hall
Special Collections Library Auditorium, Room 271
Rebecca Nagle,
221 LeConte Hall
Dr. Ling Ma, History (State University of New York)
Virtual Event, 4:00-6:00 PM
10 AM - 4 PM, 320 LeConte Hall
Carol Gluck, History Department (Columbia University)
Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall, UGA Law School
9 AM - 3 PM, LeConte Hall Plaza (outside)
Dr. Jim Downs, Civil War Era Studies and History (Gettysburg College)
UGA Chapel
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Joseph Kellner (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Andrew Craig (University of Georgia)
320 LeConte Hall
Timothy Mennel, History Editor (University of Chicago Press)
320 LeConte Hall
Dr. Lina-Maria Murillo, Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies, History, and Latina/o/x Studies (University of Iowa)
Virtual Event, 4:00-6:00 PM
Benjamin Ehlers (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
(Check your email invitation for directions)
277 Special Collections Libraries
Lara Vapnek, History (St. John's University)
320 LeConte Hall
200, 201 LeConte Hall (12:00 - 2:00 PM)
320 LeConte Hall
Brian Allen Drake (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
139 Park Hall
Dr. Ursula Prutsch, American History, Culture and Society (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität )
101 LeConte Hall
Athens, GA
UGA Chapel
Fall TA Orientation (Required for new graduate students)
Stegeman Coliseum Concourse
Margaret Neel (University of Georgia)
Conference Rm., 201 LeConte Hall
David Charles Parker (University of Georgia)
Victoria Do (University of Georgia)
201 Conference room, LeConte Hall
Nathanael Mickelson (University of Georgia)
UGA summer schedule
Details at
271 Richard B. Russell Library Building, 300 South Hull Street
Timothy Yang (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Kaylynn Washnock Spooksbury,
101 LeConte Hall
Theodora Light (University of Georgia)
201 Conference Room
Rolando J. Rodriguez (University of Georgia)
Claudio Saunt (University of Georgia)
Virtual event
Athens Memorial Park - Picnic Shelter 2
Scott Reynolds Nelson (University of Georgia)
265 Park Hall
Stephanie Holterman (University of Georgia)
2nd floor Conference Room, LeConte Hall
Simon Wolfe Taylor, Senior UX Researcher (Twitter)
Rooms 200 and 201 (11 Am - 1 PM)
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, 2nd Floor, Auditorium (Room 271)
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, 271 (Auditorium)
LeConte Hall Conference Room
Andrew Liu, History (Villanova University)
Lance Greene, Anthropology and Sociology (Wright State University)
221 LeConte Hall
Stephen Berry (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Maren Ehlers, History (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Isabel Mann, (National World War II Museum, New Orleans)
101 LeConte Hall
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
Joseph Kellner (University of Georgia)
221 LeConte Hall
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, 285
Dr. Ogechukwu Williams, History Department (Creighton University)
Room TBA
101 LeConte Hall
Virtual (via Zoom)
Dr. John W.I. Lee, History Department (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Ari Daniel Levine (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Myers Programming Room, Myers Hall
Dr. Kira Thurman, German and History (University of Michigan)
via Zoom
Louise Milone (University of Georgia)
Dr. Ethan Blue, History (University of Western Australia)
Via Zoom - pre-register by email
Scott Reynolds Nelson (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
, ,
University of Georgia
, ,
University of Georgia
, ,
University of Georgia
Holly Stephens, Japanese and Korean Studies (University of Edinburgh)
Nan McMurry (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Robin Mitchell, History (California State University Channel Islands (CI))
via Zoom
320 LeConte Hall - this event is full
Miller Learning Center, Sidney Samuel Thomas Reading Room
Sara Small (University of Georgia)
University of Georgia
Amy Offner, Department of History (University of Pennsylvania)
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Walker's Pub and Coffee
Walker's Coffee and Pub
Check your invite
James F. Brooks (University of Georgia)
Dr. Peter Carmichael, History (Gettysburg College)
320 LeConte Hall
Dr. Christy Pichichero, (George Mason University)
via Zoom
Peter S. Carmichael, History (Gettysburg College)
221 LeConte Hall
April Merleaux, Center for Environmental Studies (Williams College)
via Zoom
UGA Chapel
via Zoom
Drop/Add Aug 18 - 24
Drop/Add Aug 18 - 24
See the CTL website for times and location
The Classic Center, 300 N. Thomas Street
UGA summer courses
Chris Choe (University of Georgia)
via Zoom
Savannah Guenthner (University of Georgia)
via Zoom
UGA summer classes
Imani Carter (University of Georgia)
Virtual event
UGA summer classes
UGA summer session I
Delaney Kelly (University of Georgia)
Via Zoom
UGA summer ocourses
UGA Summer on-line
UGA Summer on-line
UGA summer classes
William McKee (University of Georgia)
U Georgia
Tore Olsson, History (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
U Georgia
Gift table, 2nd floor, Leconte Hall
University of Georgia
via Zoom
Devin Jerome (University of Georgia)
Via Zoom
via Zoom
Stephen Mihm (University of Georgia)
This is a virtual event presented via Zoom
Paige Collins (University of Georgia)
via Zoom
Sara Small (University of Georgia)
Erika D. Edwards, History (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Via Zoom
Dr. Ellen Chapman,
Susan Mattern (University of Georgia)
This is a virtual event presented via Zoom
Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery
Sara Small (University of Georgia)
This is a virtual event via Zoom
Lia T. Bascomb, African American Studies (Georgia State University)
via Zoom
Dr. Sarah Stanford-McIntyre , Herbst Program for Engineering, Ethics & Society (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Via Zoom
Jamie Kreiner (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Alex Langlands, (Swansea University)
Dr. Emma Teitelman, History (University of Cambridge)
Via Zoom
University of Georgia
Jennifer Eaglin, History (The Ohio State University)
Via Zoom
U Georgia
U Georgia
Laura Phillips Sawyer, School of Law (University of Georgia)
Zoom Meeting, Email for an Invitation Link.
Laura Phillips Sawyer, School of Law (University of Georgia)
Zoom Meeting, Email for an Invitation Link.
Liza Black, History and Native American and Indigenous Studies (Indiana University)
Via Zoom
Sarah Anderson (University of Georgia)
Via Zoom
Joseph Kellner (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Rachel Schurman,
Via Zoom
Stephanie Jones-Rogers, History (University of California, Berkeley)
via Zoom
Via Zoom
Claudio Saunt (University of Georgia)
Avid Bookshop on Zoom
Sanford Stadium
Shellen Xiao Wu, History (University of Tennessee)
Via Zoom
John Morrow, Jr. (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Zoom Meeting, Email for an Invitation Link.
Zoom Meeting, Email for an Invitation Link.
Tamara Walker, History (University of Toronto)
Via Zoom
Dr. Rafael de Bivar Marquese, Department of History (Universidade de São Paulo)
Hosted on Zoom
Alexandra Velez (University of Georgia)
North PJ auditorium, room N106
via Zoom
via Zoom
University of Georgia
UGA summer
UGA summer
Barton A. Myers, History (Washington and Lee University)
The History Channel
Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, History (University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill)
via Zoom
Terrell Orr (University of Georgia)
via Zoom
U Georgia FInal Exams
Jacob Bratcher (University of Georgia)
via Zoom
via Zoom
Thomas McShea (University of Georgia)
via Skype
Amrish Nair (University of Georgia)
via Zoom
Rachel Schurman, Sociology (University of Minnesota)
320 LeConte Hall
Steven Krug (University of Georgia)
via Zoom
via Zoom
Rafael de Bivar Marquese, History (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
320 LeConte Hall
Gordon Purcell (University of Georgia)
201 Conference Room
University of Georgia
Bart Elmore, History (The Ohio State University)
221 LeConte Hall
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
Maurice C. Daniels, School of Social Work (University of Georgia)
First A.M.E. Church, Athens, GA
101 LeConte
Broderick Flanigan,
Downtown Athens
LeConte Hall
Lawrence Wright,
University Chapel, North Campus
LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
Padraic Scanlan, Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, and also the Centre for Diaspora & Transnational Studies (University of Toronto)
320 LeConte Hall
Holly Pinheiro, Department of History, Anthropology and Philosophy (Augusta University)
101 LeConte Hall
Holly Pinheiro, History (Augusta University)
Ciné Theater, 234 West Hancock St. Athens
Louis Nelson, History (University of Virginia)
102 LeConte Hall
Diane Batts Morrow (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte
Marvin T. Chiles (University of Georgia)
201 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
Thavolia Glymph, History Department (Duke University)
101 LeConte Hall
Jennifer L. Palmer (University of Georgia)
150 miller Learning Center
DIGILab at Main Library
Sarah Handley-Cousins, History Department (University at Buffalo)
101 LeConte Hall
2nd floor, Rutherford Hall (program room)
Bryant K. Barnes (University of Georgia)
320 LeConte Hall
201 Conference room, LeConte Hall
Grace Elizabeth Hale, Corcoran department of History (University of Virginia)
101 LeConte Hall
Stephen Mihm (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte
Kevin Jones, History (University of Georgia)
221 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
Stegeman Coliseum
Stegeman Coliseum
Jordan Pickett, Classics (U Georgia)
Room TBA
Cindy Hahamovitch (University of Georgia)
Tate Center Intersection
101 LeConte Hall
277 Russell Special Collections Libraries
Peter Charles Hoffer (University of Georgia)
Sidney Samuel Thomas Reading Room, Zell B. Miller Learning Center (3rd floor)
Elizabeth Goggin, History and Latin American and Caribbean Studies Major (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Montgomery Wolf (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte
Sakura Christmas, History (Bowdoin College)
320 LeConte Hall
The Galt House Hotel, Louisville, KY
Rebecca J. Scott, School of Law (University of Michigan)
Law School, Room G
The Galt House Hotel, Louisville, KY
Main Library, DigiLab (Rm 300)
101 LeConte Hall
Gilbert Hall 118
201 Conference Room
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Sean Vanatta, Gallatin School of Individualized Study (NYU)
320 LeConte Hall
277 Russell Special Collections Libraries
Orkin Hall D007
The Globe
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Miller Learning Center, (2nd floor, across from Jittery Joe's)
Jennifer L. Palmer (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte
The Globe
Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab, 300 Main Library (3rd floor)
320 LeConte Hall
Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab, 300 Main Library (3rd floor)
Michael P. Winship (University of Georgia)
Reading Room, Zell B. Miller Learning Center (3rd floor)
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
CinéAthens, 234 W. Hancock Ave, Athens, GA 30601
CinéAthens, 234 W. Hancock Ave, Athens, GA 30601
Barbara Fuchs, Romance Languages (University of California, Los Angeles)
Founders Memorial Garden, Ballroom, 425 S Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30605
The Globe
Richard B. Russell Jr. Special Collections Libraries Building 300 S Hull St, Athens, Georgia 30602
Mary Ellen Curtin, History (American University)
277 Special Collections Library
Todd Shepard, History (Johns Hopkins University)
101 LeConte Hall
201 Conference Room
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Tate Student Center, Grand Hall 45 Baxter Street, Athens, GA 30605
Hilary Green, Gender and Race Studies (University of Alabama)
101 LeConte Hall
Loka Ashwood, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (Auburn University)
320 LeConte Hall
The Globe
101 LeConte Hall
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
Georgia Museum of Art University of Georgia 90 Carlton Street, Athens, GA
Benjamin Ehlers (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte
U Georgia
U Georgia
U Georgia
U Georgia
University of Georgia, Fall 2019
Tom Okie, History (Kennesaw State University)
221 LeConte Hall
John Inscoe (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
3rd Floor Reading Room - Main Library, 320 S. Jackson St.
University of Georgia
221 LeConte Hall
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, Room 277 300 S Hull Street, Athens, GA 30605
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, Auditorium 300 S Hull Street, Athens, GA 30605
Heather Cox Richardson, History (Boston College)
102 LeConte
Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, Room 277 300 S Hull Street, Athens, GA 30605
Jason Moore, Sociology (Binghamton University)
320 LeConte Hall
Ehren Foley, Acquisitions Editor (University of South Carolina Press)
201 Conference Room
221 LeConte Hall
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
M. Smith Griffith Auditorium of the Georgia Museum of Art
248 Zell Miller Learning Center
The Globe
Locos Grill and Pub 1985 Barnett Shoals Rd, Athens, Georgia 30605
LeConte Hall Plaza (outside)
101 LeConte
Jonathan Hepworth (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte
205 Zell Miller Learning Center
Alec Kraynak (University of Georgia)
201 Conference rm., LeConte Hall
Terrell Orr (University of Georgia)
320 LeConte Hall
University of Georgia
Katharine Dahlstrand (University of Georgia)
320 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte
102 LeConte
First A.M.E. Church, 521 N. Hull Street, Athens, GA
320 LeConte Hall
250 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
275 Miller Learning Center
101 LeConte Hall
Meet in front of the main library, North Campus
Stephanie McCurry, History (Columbia University)
Seney Stovall Chapel, 200 N. Milledge Ave, Athens, GA 30601
LeConte Hall 101
221 LeConte
The Globe
James A. Owen (University of Georgia)
The Globe
kickoff: Cedar Shoals High School gymnasium, 1300 Cedar Shoals Drive
Graduate Lounge
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte
University of Georgia
Graduate Lounge
University of Georgia
2nd floor, LeConte Hall
University of Georgia
The Doug Hale Lecture Hall, Park 265
Alden Young, Africana Studies (Drexel University)
LeConte 320
University of Georgia
LaGuana Gray, History (University of Texas, San Antonio)
LeConte 320
Steven Soper (University of Georgia), John Short (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte
Tamar Carroll, Department of History (Rochester Institute of Technology)
101 LeConte Hall
John Morrow, Jr. (University of Georgia), Alexander Nordlund (University of Georgia), Whitney Priest (University of Georgia)
John Morrow, Jr. (University of Georgia), Alexander Nordlund (University of Georgia), Whitney Priest (University of Georgia) Adam Parkes, English (U Georgia)
285 Special Collections Library
University of Georgia
Room 135 LeConte Hall
Herty Field, UGA North Campus
Scott Reynolds Nelson (University of Georgia)
DIGI Lab, 3rd floor Main Library
The Globe
101 LeConte
Kevin Jones (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
LeConte Hall/Library courtyard
LeConte Hall Plaza
Graduate Lounge
Cali N’ Tito’s (Lumpkin Street)
UGA Chapel
3rd floor, Main Library
201 conference rm.
360 Stanton Way
University of Georgia
The Globe (Downtown)
221 LeConte Hall
3rd floor, Main Library
LeConte Hall, Room 102
Biological Sciences Building
Main Library on North Campus (humanities, arts, social sciences, business)
The Classic Center Grand Hall, 300 N. Thomas Street (downtown Athens, GA)
UGA summer
UGA summer
201 LeConte Hall
201 conference room
UGA summer
Downtown Athens, GA
Morton Theatre, downtown Athens, GA
285 Richard B. Russell Library
281 UGA Russell Library
Richard B. Russell Library, U Georgia
Stegeman Coliseum
285 Russell Special Collections Building
101 LeConte Hall
Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery - Athens, GA
201 Conference rm.
320 LeConte Hall
201 Conference rm.
201 Conference Rm.
Memorial Hall Ballroom
102 LeConte Hall
201 Conference rm.
Conference Room
LeConte Hall Plaza (outside)
LeConte Hall Plaza (outside)
LeConte 320
DigiLab (3rd floor of Main Library)
Seney-Stovall Chapel, 200 North Milledge Avenue
Room 258, Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
UGA Graduate Studies programs
Rm. 271, Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
110 Graduate Lounge
The Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab, Main Library
Main Library, Administrative Conference Room, 2nd Floor
Georgia Museum of Art, lecture hall
Leconte 320
213 Zell B. Miller Student Learning Center
201 conference rm.
201 conference rm.
Dean Rusk Hall, Larry Walker Room
students can withdraw in Athena
Russell Special Collections Libraries
Morton Theatre, downtown Athens, GA
321 LeConte Hall
LeConte 320
Phi Kappa Hall, North Campus
The Globe
UGA Chapel
320 LeConte Hall
Main Library, Instruction Lab - 320 S Jackson Street, Athens, GA 30602
Demosthenian Hall, North Campus
101 LeConte
The Globe
101 LeConte Hall
Room 101
conf room or faculty lounge
conf room or faculty lounge
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, Atlanta, GA
Room 101
Room 101
conf room or faculty lounge
Room 101
Conference Room
101 LeConte Hall
The Globe, Downtown
Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas
Auditorium (Room 271), Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Auditorium (Room 271), Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Room 101 LeConte Hall
200 LeConte Hall, the faculty lounge
The Temple, 1589 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
104 and 110 LeConte Hall
201 LeConte Hall
Conference Room
Rm. 350 Miller Learning Center
Leconte 320
104 undergrad study lounge, 110 for graduate students
Special Collections Library Auditorium
History Department
History Department
101 LeConte Hall
Stephen Berry (University of Georgia), Andrew Fialka (University of Georgia)
Digi Lab, 3rd Floor of Main Library
Hendershot's Coffee
Room 258, Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Room 268, Zell Miller Learning Center
Richard Russell Special Collections Building
Lyndon House Arts Center Community Room, 211 Hoyt Street Athens, GA
LeConte 320
Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
UGA campus
LeConte 221
Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery, Athens, GA
UGA campus
Miller Learning Center
Athens Classic Center
LeConte Hall classrooms
LeConte Hall classrooms
Rm. 258, Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
201 Conference Rm., LeConte Hall
Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Rm. 112, Latin American & Caribbean Studies Institute, 290 S. Hull Street
UGA campus
UGA campus
LeConte Hall classrooms
Sanford Stadium
Sidney Samuel Thomas, Jr. Reading Room (3rd floor), Zell Miller Learning Center
Stegeman Coliseum
Russell Special Collections Library
UGA campus
UGA campus
101 LeConte Hall
201 LeConte Hall
201 Conference Rm.
201 Conference room, LeConte Hall
Georgia Museum of Art, Firsdt floor Education Classroom
201 Conference Rm.
LeConte Hall plaza (outside)
101 LeConte Hall
320 LeConte Hall
Ciné, 234 W Hancock Ave., Athens
101 LeConte Hall
Ciné 234 W Hancock Ave, Athens
320 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte
Auditorium, Russell Special Collections Library
Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery, 530 Fourth St., Athens, GA
LeConte 221
Auditorium, Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
320 LeConte Hall
221 LeConte Hall
201 Conference room, LeConte Hall
UGA campus
320 LeConte Hall
102 LeConte Hall
LeConte 320
meet at the Arch, downtown Athens, GA
102 LeConte Hall
Russell Special Collections Building, Auditorium (Room 271)
214 Zell Miller Learning Center
320 LeConte Hall
2nd floor, LeConte Hall
126, 211 LeConte Hall
UGA campus
Rooms 258 and 268, UGA Special Collections Library
213 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Tate Student Center Rooms 137, 138 and 143
TradeWinds Resort, St. Pete Beach, Florida
Akela Reason (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
The Chapel, 109 Herty Field
Jennifer L. Palmer (University of Georgia)
The Willson Center, 1260 Lumpkin St.
101 LeConte
Scott Reynolds Nelson (University of Georgia)
LeConte Hall Room 320
Russell Special Collections Library Auditorium
320 LeConte Hall
LeConte Plaza
LeConte Plaza
101 LeConte
Cindy Hahamovitch (University of Georgia)
LeConte Hall 320
101 LeConte Hall
201 LeConte Hall
Conference rm., LeConte Hall
Georgia Archives, 5800 Jonesboro RD Morrow, GA 30260
150 Zell Miller Learning Center
271 Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
101 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
320 LeConte Hall
Room 102
201 Conference Rm.
250 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
101 LeConte Hall
201 LeConte Hall, conference rm.
Ciné, 234 W. Hancock Avenue, Athens, GA
UGA Chapel, North campus
Willson Center DigiLab (3rd floor, Main Library)
Rm. 320 LeConte Hall
Fine Arts Building
104 LeConte Hall (undergraduate lounge)
Rm. 104 Undergraduate lounge, LeConte Hall
101 LeConte
2nd floor hall, LeConte
Behind Leconte Hall
LeConte Hall
UGA Chapel, North campus
250 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
101 LeConte Hall
285 Richard B. Russell Building
University of Georgia
UGA campus
Stegeman Coliseum
Department of History
UGA campus
UGA campus
UGA campus
207 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Mellow Mushroom, downtown Athens, GA
201 Conference Room
UGA campus
368 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Leconte 320
Little Rock Marriott, Little Rock, Arkansas
221 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
221 LeConte
Oconee Hills Cemetery, UGA campus
101 LeConte Hall
320 LeConte Hall
UGA campus
200 LeConte Hall, Conference Rm.
Morton Theatre, downtown Athens, GA
the Chapel, North campus
Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries; Hargrett Special Collections Library, 2nd floor
The Chapel, UGA North Campus
Athens Clarke Co. Library, 2025 Baxter St.
UGA North campus, outside LeConte Hall
Katharine Dahlstrand (University of Georgia), Kurt Windisch (University of Georgia), Katherine Fialka (University of Georgia)
320 LeConte Hall
320 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
LeConte 320
Rm. 320 LeConte Hall
Rm. 101, Zell Miller Learning Center
Grand Hall, The Classic Center (downtown Athens, GA)
200 LeConte Hall (Faculty lounge)
Room 277, Richard B. Russell Special Collections
LeConte Hall (outside plaza)
201 LeConte Hall
LeConte Hall (outside plaza)
201 LeConte Hall
221 LeConte Hall
Digital Humanities Lab, 3rd floor, UGA Main Library
201 LeConte Hall
Ari Daniel Levine (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
201 LeConte Hall
201 LeConte Hall
201 LeConte Hall
221 LeConte Hall
Room 320, LeConte Hall
201 Conference Rm.
Room 102, LeConte Hall
Room 320, LeConte Hall
148 Zell B. Miller Learning Center
Daniel Rood (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
James C. Cobb (University of Georgia)
The Chapel, University of Georgia
201 LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
LeConte Hall 221
Room 102, LeConte Hall
101 LeConte Hall
Room 102, LeConte Hall
Stephen Berry (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
CINÉ, 234 West Hancock Avenue
Various Locations: Check your schedule
Preparation for examinations
**Note: For the Fall Semester 2014, the University will operate a Friday class schedule on Tuesday, Dec. 9.
221 LeConte Hall
The University Chapel, North Campus
Margaret Mitchell House, 990 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta
271 (auditorium) Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
Jamie Kreiner (University of Georgia)
101 LeConte Hall
Le Conte Hall, Room 221
102 LeConte Hall
No classes. UGA offices are open.
271 (auditorium) Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
271 (auditorium) Russell Building Special Collections Libraries
M. Smith Griffith Auditorium at the Georgia Museum of Art